May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1748: With my last name Shen

There was a flash of surprise in Shen Ming's eyes, but he quickly suppressed it, "Did you encounter something, cousin?"

"No." An An said coldly, obviously not wanting to answer.

The more she said so, the more suspicious Shen Ming. He felt that An An's personality was hot and cold. In short, it was very strange. Even if it is for different people, the reaction will be different, but the perception before and after will not be so obvious.

This cousin, he spent a lot of thoughts on her. I’ll study it if I’m fine, and even spend more thoughts than Xu Qigang, anyway, Xu Qigang is a dead person in his eyes sooner or later, and his biggest competitor is An An.

The person that grandpa valued is not a simple role.

"Cousin, you are my grandfather's most beloved granddaughter, and I am your cousin. Although our Shen family is no longer good, the foundation is still there. If you encounter any trouble, remember to tell me."

An An looked at Shen Ming gloomily, scrutinizing, critical and disdainful. Just when Shen Ming's face became more and more ugly, she suddenly smiled and said indifferently, "Cousin, didn't you have trouble coming to me for the Chinese New Year?"

"Cousin is really smart." She knew that she couldn't hide anything from her.

"I'm hungry. If you don't say anything, I'll go home." An An said and turned and left, but Shen Ming was pulled from behind.

Forget it, I wanted to talk more, but now it seems that this little girl is really tricky.

"Grandpa gave all the family resources to you before he died, right?"

An An nodded, "I don't like you asking knowingly, then in my eyes you want to be a monkey jumping up and down."

Very good, really good, this cheap mouth is good enough, the Shen family hasn't had such a cheap mouth yet, it really deserves to be Hai Yunbing's daughter. Shen Ming resisted his anger and tried his best to maintain his gentle appearance. He didn't intend to scribble, and said directly: "Our Shen family is not working anymore. What resources are needed, please hand them over!"

"In what capacity are you asking me for something?" An An struggled free from his wrist and rubbed the bruised area expressionlessly. "Why should I give it to you?"

"With my last name Shen."

"Your surname is Shen, my surname is Sheng, how do you have nothing to do with me, right?" An An looked at him pitifully, with irony in his eyes, which pierced Shen Ming's heart like a needle.

She is really capable, just a look can make people want to kill her. Shen Ming stepped back, since she was unwilling to hand over the rights in her hands, don't blame him for not giving face.

The resources left by Grandpa are his last chance to stand up, and he will never give up. Get it at all costs, she is willing to give the best, or don't blame him for being rude.

"But what you have in your hand is something my surname is Shen, what qualifications do you have?"

"Grandpa gave this to me, why don't you review it yourself, why didn't grandpa give it to you?"

An An's words made Shen Mingqi's face flushed, "Cousin, I don't think you care about your young age. If you refuse to give it, then forget it." After that, she left without looking back.

An An had a moment of surprise on her face standing in the same place. She did not expect Shen Ming to give up so easily.

Shen Ming walked out less than ten steps away, suddenly stopped, and sneered at An An as if he already knew everything. "cousin."

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