May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1759: Patriarchal style

Hai Yunbing showed an expression of admiration. Once you get in touch with Shengning more, it is difficult to hate her if you know more. The key to being smart and kind is transparency and general knowledge.

In many cases, you will choose to compromise instead of just competing for the best. In his opinion, it's really not that I help my relatives and ignore them. In the past, the best female soldier in the four major military regions was Qin Xue. Qin Xue's excellence was unanimously approved by everyone.

But in his opinion, Qin Xue is a bit miserable.

It is indeed enviable that Xu Qigang can marry such a wife.

"Yes! I didn't expect you to know it." Now that Sheng Ning knows, it means that she is more meticulous with this sister and Hai Yunbing is more satisfied.

"One Sheng'an, one Bao'er?" Sheng Ning couldn't guess from Hai Yunbing's expression. "The two independent personalities have been clearly led by Qin Yue before, why suddenly It happened?"

No one knew Qin Yue's importance to An An better than her. At that time, when the first personality transformed into the second personality, Qin Yue reacted the most. The situation was actually very dangerous, but they didn't realize it. They simply think that they like it no matter what An An's character is.

So everyone ignored it. It wasn't a question of personality. The difference was personality. It was Hai Bao'er's personality awakening. Later, because of Qin Yue's unconscious rejection, An An's personality took the initiative.

Because she cares about Qin Yue, she is willing to become what he likes for the man she likes.

"What you saw this morning was Bo'er. She was worried that you didn't like Bo'er, and she liked An An more, so she didn't dare to talk to you. It was still good, but Shen Ming suddenly visited and said something that stimulated her. ."

With a sad expression on his face, Hai Yunbing apologized again and said, "I'm sorry, I found out it was too late. My father really failed."

Sheng Ning sighed, what else is to blame! Every father wants his daughter to be well. "Qin Yue can't have an accident. I think the key to An An's future is Qin Yue."

"I know it in my heart." Hai Yunbing secretly scolded the Qin family from top to bottom. He Dehe Neng, his surname Qin, could actually have the son of Qin Yue. Qin Yue, the bastard, didn't know what means he used to get the favor of his precious daughter.

Humph! This time, it was on An An's name, otherwise he wouldn't mind stepping on the Qin family by adding fuel to the fire.

"There are currently no psychologists in this area in China, and An An does not cooperate."

Sheng Ning placed her hands on her knees, tapping her fingers unconsciously, and her brain was thinking quickly, "The doctor is no problem. The Feng family is going to invest in building a new type of hospital in China. The medical facilities and medical staff inside are all hired from abroad. , With the world’s top medical level."

Finally she added: "Including psychology and so on."

Hai Yunbing stood up excitedly, "It's great, I have to visit another day to thank the Feng family for their contributions." Hai Yunbing, who is usually the most indifferent, has a little more human touch for his daughter.

Sheng Ning got up and was about to leave. She felt a little sore in An An's heart, and felt terribly distressed. Such a well-behaved sister, who has suffered so much and suffered so many sins, never complains or resents.

Why should such a person suffer so much?

"An An, let her calm down now in the research institute! Don't put pressure on her, wait for Qin Yue to come back." Faced with people who are countless times taller than herself in terms of age, qualifications, or the city, she still calmly gave orders. command.

The demeanor of Feng's Patriarch is undoubtedly revealed.

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