May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1760: Inquire about the situation

"I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow, about half a month. During this time, I will ask you to take care of An An." It was said that the two would go back together. Since An An refused to go back, she couldn't force it.

After a young year, I will go to the cultural troupe to report. The Living Hades has not yet returned. Uncle and they are busier than her. The only ones who can make her feel relieved are her parents-in-law and parents.

So she planned to go back and send her two little brothers and little sisters to her hometown for her mother-in-law to take them for a while. When the living king comes back and the situation is stable, he will take over the whole family.


City Railway Station

Shen Ming left today, and before leaving, had an appointment to eat at the small restaurant opposite the train station. After the fall of the Shen family, many old friends, old classmates and Faxiao have alienated Shen Ming.

Only General Shaobo, who had a good relationship with Shen Yu before, maintained his attitude and kept dealing with Shen Ming as before. The fall of the Shen family had no effect on him.

On Shen Yu's death day, Qingming and other festivals, Mr. Jiang will regularly visit his grave.

"Oh! Our family is like this, so you still think of my elder brother." Shen Ming drank a glass of wine and said bitterly: "I thank you for my elder brother. Even if he is wrong, he is right for us brothers. ."

Uncle Jiang was the most loyal. Although he seemed a bit unsuccessful, he was very well received by the open-minded troops. He grew up with Shen Yu, Meng Fan and others. Uncle Jiang was actually about the same age as Meng Fan, but he had the best relationship with Shen Yu, who was several years older than himself.

After so many years, the two of them have occasionally done some unsatisfactory things and accumulated a deep revolutionary friendship. Later, Shen Yu had an accident, which brought him a big blow. He didn't expect that the person he admired would actually kill his comrade-in-arms brother.

Shao Bo was silent for a long time, and later when Shen Yu escaped from prison to hold Sheng Ning, he took a long look.

There is no anger as imagined, but more sympathy.

Because he saw pain, regret, despair, etc., countless complex emotions in Shen Yu's eyes. There are some emotions that he still can't understand.

Shen Yu knows regret.

Others do not give him a chance to turn back, he is willing to give him.

"Okay, don't think about it so much." Uncle Jiang was unwilling to drink too much, and when Shen Ming was about to pour him, he stopped him.

"By the way, the elites of the Northern Military Region have all been transferred to special operations divisions, why didn't you go?" Shen Mingzhuang asked casually.

Jiang Shaobo smiled bitterly, "I don't want to go."

"It's a pity, now everyone's eyes are on the special forces." Shen Ming poured himself another cup, took a sip and ate peanuts.

"Special Operations Division is good, but other positions are not bad." Shen Yu's death more or less changed Jiang Shao's mentality. He has become more peaceful than before, more open-minded and mature and stable beyond age.

Shen Ming knows the young man very well, and he thought it would be easy to pick him up, but he didn't expect that all his words were like hitting cotton, making him angry again.

"It's been a long time since the commander of the special combat division showed up, right?" Shen Ming asked tentatively.

Jiang Shaobo looked at him meaningfully, "If you want to ask about the Living Hades, just ask, don't delay. For this alone, you are not as good as Meng Ping."

Speaking of Meng Ping, Shen Ming's face almost couldn't hold back.

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