"Hmm!" Shen Luhua nodded, "I believe you."

"The aunt, please help me! I beg you, as a request from my nephew."

Shen Luhua had guessed that Shen Ming had something to ask for himself, and the relationship between his aunts and nephews was not so good that he came to see him in person. I'm talking about it, let me at least pick up something! He is empty-handed, can it be regarded as watching people?

"I am a rural woman now, there is nothing you ask me to help you."

"No, my grandfather gave most of the resources of the Shen family to An An before he died. But she never used these things in An An's hands. It was a waste. Only by handing them to my hands can they really work and let Our Shen family made a comeback."

Shen Luhua was shocked. She didn't know that the old man gave the resources to An An before his death, and An An didn't tell her. It's no wonder that Shen Ming can be stretched to ask for himself, but why did the old man make such arrangements?

An An is very talented, but she is just a little girl and has no intention of taking over the Shen family.

"Aunt..." Shen Luhua's reaction made Shen Ming's heart gradually lost. He thought he was a rural woman, and she could achieve her goal by opening her own words and begging.

But Shen Luhua's performance was obviously not an ordinary rural woman. That's right, he was careless, the daughter that the old man values, can it be an ordinary person?

Shen Ming gritted his teeth and knelt on the cold ground with a thud. The other diners and the boss around were shocked.

"Oh! What are you doing while kneeling?"

"That's right! Underground Liang hurry up."

The people were very enthusiastic, and even some came to persuade Shen Luhua. Seeing Shen Luhua's indifferent appearance, everyone couldn't pass it.

"Years have passed, why do you still make people kneel on the ground and hurt?"

"It's too much to kill, it's too much!"

Shen Ming saw the rare opportunity and begged: "Aunty, your surname is Shen. These things are from the Shen family. If they are given to my other brothers, I have no objection. Even in Anan's hands, I have no objection, as long as Anan uses it. "

"But An'an doesn't use it at all, so do you want to watch your grandfather's life's hard work be trampled by others, and watch our descendants of the Shen family fail to lift their heads forever?"

The last sentence hit the softest part of Shen Luhua's heart. No matter how Shen Ming is, how eccentric she is, she is always surnamed Shen, and the old man has passed away.

She knew better than anyone what treatment the people of the Shen family would receive.

"Get up!"

"Auntie, did you agree to help me?" Shen Ming was overjoyed and couldn't wait to stand up, "Auntie, An An is very stubborn, and she is only willing to listen to you."

"Let's do it!" After Shen Luhua agreed, she suddenly felt that all her strength had been taken away. She looked melancholy, "I'll write a letter to An An and tell her about this."

"No, it's too late." Shen Ming urged eagerly, "Auntie, write a letter now, and I'll take it home directly."

"okay then!"

Shen Ming was very well prepared when he came, with pens and letter paper with him. After Shen Luhua agreed, he immediately took out these things and asked Shen Luhua to write a letter immediately.

After getting the things, Shen Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, finally got it. He lowered his eyebrows, thinking of the humiliation he had just kneel down, his eyes were dyed red by the hostility in his heart. Dare to make him kneel ashamed, just wait!

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