May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1768: Why are you an outsider

He will make everyone pay, Sheng'an and Xu Qigang, don't even think about them.

These two people are thorns in his eyes, one may know his secret, and the other is his stumbling block. Only by eradicating these two people can he truly confidently show off his strengths.

He could climb higher and let the Shen family rise again.

"Aunt, I'll leave if I have something to do."

"Aren't you going to sit at home?" Shen Luhua thought this was his nephew or a polite invitation.

"I'm not going, I have something else."

"Then you slow down and pay attention to safety."

"Good!" Shen Ming said goodbye with a smile, and did not forget to settle the wonton bill before leaving. Leaving the wonton stall less than fifty meters away, he turned his head without a trace to see that Shen Luhua, dressed in gray, was still standing there to watch him. The hands in his pockets suddenly clenched, and the disgust in his heart was even worse.

As a member of the Shen family, someone as useless as Shen Luhua, such a shame simply shouldn't exist.

What's more, she just forced herself to kneel, this hatred is not retribution, is his life humiliation Shen Ming.

Turning to the intersection, his hands in his pockets slowly let go, and he drew out the pistol from his waist blankly. Just as he was about to take aim, a loud voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Have you eaten your mother?"

mother-in-law? Shen Luhua's in-laws, isn't that the father of Living Hades? Shen Ming put away the pistol vigilantly, and immediately dispelled the idea. He had already taken a great risk when he killed Shen Luhua.

If the father of the living Hades was also killed by the way, he would definitely not be able to settle the result. Forget it! There will be opportunities in the future, and he will get back this humiliation anyway.

Don't worry about this for a while, after all these years, he will kill the Living Hades first. Then there is An An.


Xu Xianxiong eats wontons fast. After eating, he just saw Shen Luhua standing alone in a daze, so he enthusiastically stepped forward to say hello.

Zhao Lanzhi followed behind, looking around and not seeing the young man just now, and followed Shen Luhua in greeting.

"How do you buy and how many things?" Shen Luhua returned to his senses, watching the two men carrying full of surprises and asked: "The year has passed, are you planning to spend a year?"

"Oh! Look at my stinky memory." Xu Xianxiong patted himself, "Ningning will be back tomorrow. I called to inform you yesterday. I didn't have time to tell you. It was all my fault."

As soon as Shen Luhua heard that Sheng Ning was coming back, she immediately put the matter behind her, "It's really your fault. Her father and I are waiting for her to come back!" As she said, she rubbed our hands, "I I also want to buy more, delicious ones, as well as our rural specialties."

When Sheng Ning called back for the first time, Xu Xianxiong had already notified him once. Hearing that Ningning gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes, Sheng Laosan and Shen Luhua did not fall asleep all night of joy.

When he got up the next day, Sheng Laosan was busy making a small wooden horse with wood, as well as small benches and small chairs. I have eaten every morning, and when I have nothing to do, I walked to the road at the door, eagerly looking forward to my daughter's return with her granddaughter!

"Mother-in-law, you don't need to buy it, we bought it all."

"That's not good. You bought what you bought, and what I bought was mine. This is the same." Shen Luhua resolutely refused, "What's more, how can I let outsiders buy the things of my grandson and granddaughter?"

The smile on Xu Xianxiong's face can't hold back. He is the child's grandfather, so why is he an outsider?

Zhao Lanzhi was also angry in her heart, ha ha... It turned out that this was here to **** her grandchildren, which was simply too much.

The couple looked at each other and would not tell her if they knew it.

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