May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1769: Who will bring the children

After rushing to the market in the morning, Shen Luhua didn’t get home until 12 o’clock noon. As soon as she entered the village, she saw Sheng Laosan standing at the door waiting for her. She was surprised to see her big bags, and then thought that it must be Ning Ning coming back. Up.

Otherwise, Reveal wouldn't buy so many things.

"Is it Ningning coming back? Is it Ningning coming back? Arrived? What time will it arrive, do you want me to pick it up?" Sheng Laosan greeted him happily, wearing a warm padded jacket.

The old cold legs left on the battlefield in the past cannot be walked in winter in previous years. Since Sheng Ning became sensible, he bought a lot of good medicine for him, and he didn't have to do heavy physical labor, Sheng Ning's legs improved a lot.

Shen Luhua glanced at Old San Sheng appreciatively. He didn't expect his mind to turn so fast, and he knew that Ningning was coming back by looking at the things he bought.

"I will arrive tomorrow, saying that I don't need to pick it up, there is a car to send it."

"What about the little brother and little sister?"

"Come back together, Ningning intends to come back this time and put the two children in the countryside for us to take for half a year." After Shen Luhua finished speaking, she suddenly frowned when she thought of the dark complexion of the two of her family.

"This is a good thing! Why are you upset?"

Shen Luhua's expression was very solemn, "The child is back, did we bring it or the in-laws?" This is a big question. She will never let the ownership of the grandson.

Sheng Laosan didn't even think about it, "Of course we brought it. My dear grandson is back. If he doesn't bring it to us, should he bring it to Xu Xianxiong? He will fight and wander around with a knife. What else will he do?"

Once a good brother, a good in-law has become an old bastard.

I have to say that Sheng Laosan turned his face quite fast, and Shen Luhua was shocked to see. Having been married for so many years, it was the first time she saw such a rascal Sheng Lao San who was honest and friendly.

"Yeah! What you said makes sense, how can you do this?" Shen Luhua thought more, she also wanted to take her grandchildren! The family has always worried about it, and now Ningning is willing to marry the children with them for half a year, she woke up from a dream.

If she gave this opportunity to her in-laws, she would not be reconciled anyway.

"Yes, anyway, we will not give in."

"It's so decided."

The two spoke in unison and looked forward to their daughter's return. Sheng Laosan thought of Ning Ning's return, and still did not forget about An An, "Is An An coming back this time? She hasn't come back for a long time, so this girl wrote a letter last time."

Sheng Laosan's care for the two daughters has always been the same. He cares about the eldest daughter in his heart, and cares about her daughter a little bit.

Shen Luhua knew in her heart that she was actually the first person to know An An's abnormality, and she knew it long ago.

If it is An An, this girl likes to stick to her family the most. Bo'er's character is even more indifferent. If she hasn't contacted the family for so long, that's Bo'er.

She is very confident in Bo'er, this girl is beyond imagination. Thinking of this, her eyebrows twitched slightly. It was because Shen Ming's arrival today made her feel more worried.

Shen Ming is her natal nephew, and the older brother in the family took great care of her back then, and it is impossible not to help. Writing this letter is the only thing she can do for you. As for how Bao'er chooses, she is in her hands.

If An An saw his letter, he would definitely agree directly without saying a word.

It's Bao'er now, and she will never let anyone control her own thoughts.

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