May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1770: Deliberately please

Shengning arrived in the afternoon the next day, showing the train and then the car. Xu Qigang didn't come back this time, and Su Huaian ran with her two children on the road because she was worried.

In fact, it's the same if Su Huai'an doesn't come. Feng's side has officially settled in China. Successive funds and personnel are all in place, and she can call many people.

The two cars drove from the county railway station to the village, attracting many people's attention along the way. Before entering the village, Sheng Ning really had a headache, and the two elderly people were waiting for their return!

Whether she will go back to her natal family or her in-laws first is a question. If it is not handled well, it will affect the relationship.

Finally, I was struggling for a while, thinking that as a daughter-in-law, according to the rural tradition, I should go back to her mother-in-law first!

"Cousin, please go to my house and help my parents pick it up." This is a good way to receive the two old people.

"Yeah!" Su Huaian didn't say anything, and asked the driver to stop. After getting off the car, he went to the next car, and then drove towards the neighboring village.

The road at the entrance of the village was not very good. The car was a bit bumpy. The two little guys who were asleep had already woke up and looked around curiously with **** grape-like eyes.

"We are home, are you happy?" Sheng Ning teased the two.

The little sister continued to look cold, holding a little bear doll in her hand, playing very focused. The little brother was very excited, and stretched out his little arm to let Sheng Ning hug him.

"..." The son is too clingy. Is this the two of them inverted?

Sheng Ning took her little brother into her arms, and this little guy clings to her all the time, which really made her heart melt, and she couldn't do it without any pain. What's more, everyone's focus is on the little sister, even the living Hades, who is the father, has all kinds of precious daughters in his eyes.

The two little guys slept in the cradle at the same time. If the little brother accidentally kicked the little sister and was seen by the living king, he would wait to pick up his son and beat him up.

For this reason, Sheng Ning feels more sorry for her son.

"Little brother is called mother, mother..." Sheng Ning knows that little brother can't speak yet, but she always likes to teach little brother to speak. The Valentino custom-made children's outfit worn by the little guy is beautifully dressed like a typical prince in azure blue, and the fluffy hat on his head is almost cute.

Looking at you like a jade carving, a pair of big eyes are looking at you flatteringly, reluctant to move away for a moment.

It's so cute.

Sheng Ning felt that the little brother must be deliberately to please him, perhaps because he knew his situation was not in seconds. Living Hades, his father, saw his son as if he saw a debt collector, so the little brother deliberately pleased himself.

This conjecture made her laugh. She must have thought too much. How could the little brother know how to please people when he is less than a year old.

"Mom..." Sheng Ning was shocked by the slurred voice, "Mom."

The little brother yelled again, and Sheng Ning looked at him with wide eyes in surprise. Brother is too smart, right? Generally, children who learn to walk first learn to speak a little later. As a result, he walked early and spoke early.

Sheng Ning glanced at the little sister who still knows nothing, her mouth twitched.

The front of the village was full of people. Xu Xianxiong wore a new suit today, and he stood at the door with joy, looking through the road at the entrance of the village. Early in the morning, whether he was going to the market or working in the field, he looked like hell.

Even Xu Yingshan can't stand it anymore, "Auntie, take care of my uncle, don't let him stand at the entrance of the village ashamed."

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