May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1786: I wear long pants

"Don't worry, I will fulfill her if Qin Xue dares to die." Su Hai's anger also came up, her voice was three-point cold, "I really don't know how to live or die, dare to use my brother as a guise, when the time comes, my brother will not die. know."

"You have to deal with Qin Yue?"

"It doesn't matter if the little gangster doesn't come back. If he dares to come back, it will be enough to be shot by the things he did." If the little gangster had an accident, the current Qin family would be the former Shen family.

It falls apart very quickly.

"Forget Qin Yue, let him go!" Sheng Ning's eyes darkened, and the anger that Qin Xue had just deliberately provoked gradually calmed down. Why is she okay to argue with Qin Xue, she should believe in the living king.

"I don't want to see An An sad."

"..." After a long time, Su Hai asked: "Then you have to pick up the Hades?" After he said something, he seemed to think of something, and simply said: "In or not go, even if you want to go, you will lead you. I won’t agree, unless I say hello to you, but I don’t worry about letting you go."

He was not worried, but felt unnecessary. That is to say, he has no bottom line to indulge Ning Ning. If he changes to the eldest brother, there must be no room for negotiation.

"No, I'll wait for him at home." Sheng Ning was a little lonely, and silently hung up the phone and walked out. The uncle of the communication room saw her warmly and asked: "Where is Master Xu? Why didn't he come with you? You haven't been here for a long time. coming."

"He's very busy." Sheng Ning greeted the hesitantly walking toward the cultural troupe, no longer as briskly as before. She thought a lot along the way, always feeling unreliable and heavy in her heart.

Qiubai and Yang Wenying had already been waiting for her on the cultural work troupe, and they hadn't waited for anyone. In the end, Wu Youli and Lu Dabao were anxious, and they ran out sneakily, but they happened to be met on the way.

"Shengning!" Lu Dabao's voice is still so energetic and contagious that people can feel her joy when listening.

"Dabao..." Sheng Ning was slammed to the ground by Lu Dabao before he could react, and he didn't say what he wanted to say.

Ok! Dabao's welcoming method is really unique, and she really has her personal style. Fortunately, she was blocked when she fell down with a big satchel on her back, otherwise it could kill her half of her life.

"Shengning, you finally came back. I want to kill you. You don’t know that since you were kidnapped, I can’t eat every day. I miss you. You have come back so long without a conscience, and I don’t know the first time to see you. Me. You said, we are still not the best friends?"

Lu Dabao was so powerful that Sheng Ning couldn't get up when she was under her body for a long time, and she wanted to die.

"Dabao, you let me get up first."

"No, this is a punishment for you."

"Can't I make a mistake? I'm thinking about you all the time..."

"You are stinky and shameless." Lu Dabao glared at her blushingly, "My brother said, it's okay to think about others, this is the behavior of a gangster."

"..." Lu Dabao is still the previous Lu Dabao, why is her brother getting more and more serious?

Wu Youli stood on the side, watching the two people arguing, slowly showing a gentle smile, the sun shone warmly, shining on the two people on the ground, inadvertently moving the angle can see the wet corners of the eyes.

Now she is the backbone of the drama team, with a deep leadership and love from the audience, and she is no longer the girl who made people bullied and had no temper before.

"Dabao, I brought you a gift. If you don't let me get up, you will be crushed."

As soon as Lu Dabao heard the food, he stood up and saw that Sheng Ning pressed a bag under his body and hurriedly pulled her up.

"What did you bring to eat?"

Sheng Ning ignored her, squeezing her face and looking down, “Let’s take a look and say if I want to lose weight, huh? Why does it seem to be fat?”

"Nonsense, I wear a lot, I wear long trousers."

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