"I'm telling you that I'm not allowed to say I'm fat in the future, do you know?" Lu Dabao warned solemnly. Sheng Ning's small appearance became more and more likable, even the unhappiness when he first met Qin Xue faded a lot.

"I know, I know." Sheng Ning rubbed her sore shoulder and smiled stupidly at Wu Youli. The two of them looked at each other and laughed unconsciously.

I used to think of a goodbye, but I didn't expect to have a chance to meet again in this life.

"How are you all?"

"Okay, we are all fine, just waiting for you to come back!" Wu Youli was still gentle and gentle before, and when she laughed, she was more beautiful than before.

She has joined the party now and has been promoted, and her future is promising. That is, Lu Dabao still doesn't seem to be motivated every day. It's useless to say anything, except for eating.

"We have always missed you."

"me too!"

The three of them talked affectionately about the situation after their separation. Lu Dabao was very interested in Shengning's experience and took her to ask for a long time. Finally, I asked about the twins. I heard that Shengning had been sent back to his hometown for a long time.

"How could you do this? I was sent away by you before I even saw it."

"Yeah!" Wu Youli also felt a pity, she even made two small hats for the twins by herself!

"My father-in-law and mother-in-law missed it, so I sent it back and will pick it up later." Sheng Ning explained.

"Hurry up! The team leader has been waiting for you." Wu Youli urged her to go over, "Wait for you to report before coming to us."

The two secretly ran out halfway, and they must not go back for a long time. Wu Youli took Lu Dabao and ran away in a hurry. Sheng Ning hurried to the head of the delegation's office. As soon as he entered, he saw Yang Wenying walking around. Teacher Qiu Bai was drinking tea very calmly.


"Come in!" Yang Wenying watched her come in and threw a cold knife, "Why are you late? I hate others being late."

"Sorry, I won't go to the commander." Sheng Ning lowered her head, feeling very embarrassed. As a soldier, she was ashamed of being late for the PLA.

Qiubai couldn't help laughing, "Once you are done, don't talk about her, it would be nice if she can come."

"Okay!" Yang Wenying greeted her to sit down and said straightforwardly: "Before your vacation, the teacher personally approved it. Now the teacher is not waiting for me to take you to the organization department to make a report."

"Thank you!" Sheng Ning smiled gratefully. In fact, she has something to say besides this. After all, I have two children, and I need to spend a lot of energy on Feng's affairs, and I will not be able to get on the stage in the future.

"Leader, I have one more thing to say."

"I know what you want to say." Yang Wenying smiled and motioned to Teacher Qiubai.

Sheng Ning was quite surprised. Now he realized that the head of the group and Teacher Qiubai had some secrets from her, so she waited for her to ask.

"Shengning, I know that you are in a Victorian theater in the U.S., and this result is enough to get you promoted to a higher position. And I will take the transfer away soon. Before I leave, I have written a recommendation letter with my superior to let you Take my place." Qiu Bai looked at her with a serious expression and said sincerely, "I hope you can accept it."

The news was a bit sudden. Although she also wanted to go behind the scenes and do something a little easier, she never thought of taking over the position of Teacher Qiubai.

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