May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1788: Shen Jianguo is back

I heard that teacher Qiubai was hired at that time and was awarded the rank of major. Of course, the civilian rank is not as high as the gold content of combat troops. At best, it is a name, but it is high enough.

She didn't expect that she would have the rank of major if she was like this?

It's incredible.

"Teacher, why are you leaving?" She is willing to return to the troupe because there are so many good memories of her and good friends. If Teacher Qiubai was transferred away, he would definitely be reluctant.

"She is elevated." Yang Wenying said in a sour tone: "Our temple is too small for this big Buddha." After she said something, she glanced at Shengning, "Aren't you also a big Buddha? Why? The major’s military academy has no gold content?"

Sheng Ning couldn't laugh or cry, she didn't say anything yet! This rank is the same as she dreamed of, how could she dislike it.

She didn't even dare to dream of it in her previous life.

"Head, can you stop making fun of me? I can't even think of it."

"I hear you saying that I think I have the ability to take over Qiubai's position?" Yang Wenying's tone was sharp, probably because Qiubai was about to move away soon, which made her feel very upset, and wanted to stab her when she saw it.

Sheng Ning hesitated for a moment, thinking of her own efforts and the amount of reading and research that had been done to compile Madam Linglong, and then firmly nodded.

"I think I can."

Yang Wenying was quite surprised. She didn't expect a person like Sheng Ning to be able to say such things. Sure enough, he came back from abroad and was more confident than before.

Qiubai was very pleased and rarely showed a smug look, "How about it? I'll just say she can?" She thought that after she came back from abroad, others also questioned her not doing well and not qualified to hold such a high military rank. But how did she answer at the time?

‘I think I can. She answered exactly the same as Sheng Ning, which she was very satisfied with. Since they like it, why should those who are capable have to go around, why should they pretend to be humble.


On the edge of the Heihe River, Shen Feihu walked around in the cold, dropping a cigarette **** on the ground.

"Why did you come back first?" He said dissatisfied: "Am I going to save people?" For his son who came back first, he felt quite shameless.

Shen Jianguo was expressionless, and the illusion that he was not his own came up again in his heart.

"Master's command, do you think everyone is the same as you?" He said for a long time. Standing on the edge of this river, the cold wind was blowing through my heart, thinking in my heart that I would go back.

"I am leaving."

"Why are you going? Did I let you go?" Shen Feihu's temper came up and his eyes stared, "Your mission hasn't been completed yet."

The ten-man team with Shen Jianguo's eyes widened with fright. Because he was usually very low-key, and was later transferred to a special combat division, so few people knew that he was the son of Shen Feihu. Now that he actually dared to speak this way to the teacher, everyone was frightened.

"Battalion commander, battalion commander, please relax, this is not easy to offend." A thin man leaned close to Shen Jianguo and whispered: "We have all heard that he is the old leader of our division commander. He has a strong temper. Long will let him three points."

"Oh!" Shen Jianguo responded calmly, but didn't actually listen. The pattern of getting along with his father for so many years had been formed long ago, and he didn't take it to heart.

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