May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1789: It's not biological

Anyway, when the father and son couldn't convince anyone, they had a cold war. When the cold war lasted for a long time, my father was obsessed with nature, and his temper came and went quickly. He would forget it first.

"You stop for Lao Tzu, did Lao Tzu let you go?" Shen Feihu felt that this bear child was spoiled by him. He used to laugh at Meng Xingzhi for having a Meng Ping, which was simply disgusting.

Now he feels that he is also very upset. He is not young anymore. He has been reluctant to engage in objects or marry. He is angry just thinking about it.

And even the home is too small. It is not easy for Lao Tzu to want to see him. This time, if it weren't for the task, he would have to make an appointment to see his son.

Ok! In fact, he just used the question to show his anger.

The people under Shen Jianguo couldn't listen anymore, and whispered: "Master, you are an elder and our leader, but you can't call yourself Laozi? It's too rude."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the guard behind Shen Feihu Xiao Tao couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong? What's the laugh?" Did he say something wrong?

Others also looked dumbfounded and didn't understand what it meant.

Shen Jianguo couldn't help but laughed, and cleared his throat and said, "Master, our mission is completed. Master Xu is already on the other side of the river. He will be here soon as agreed, so I really want to go back. As for The process you want to know, I will write a detailed report after I go back."

After speaking, he added, "Master Xu's mission is very smooth. We only played a supporting role when we went, so we came back early."

"That..." Shen Feihu hesitated for a while, in fact, he was happy to hear his son say this in his heart. He actually didn't expect Shen Jianguo to do meritorious service, as long as others could come back safely.

"Then you go to Laozi!" Shen Feihu waved his hand, looking very impatient.

Shen Jianguo didn't take it to heart, and left with someone altogether. From Heihe to the Northern Military Region, there is still a large tract of virgin forest, even if it is a quick march, it will take a day and a night. Only after leaving the primeval forest will the troops' vehicles come to pick them up.

It used to be said that Xu Qigang and Chen Yingjie rushed to march very fast. After the group of people left, the big guy murmured very dissatisfied.

"This Master Shen really is more difficult to get along with than in the legend."

"I heard that he is the most tempered division commander in our Northern Military Region, and everyone else has to let him."

"The character is too domineering, and I see a lot of leaders who like to curse. It's too much for someone like him who has always called himself Lao Tzu as if he was someone else's Lao Tzu."

Everyone felt uneasy for Shen Jianguo. He had long heard that Chief Shen had a good temper, but he didn't expect to be so good.

Shen Jianguo coughed awkwardly and said, "You really don't know?"

"Know what?" Everyone was puzzled.

The correspondent who has not spoken is a veteran and knows the identity of Shen Jianguo. Before he saw Master Shen cursing people, he kept secreting joy in his heart. Now he saw Battalion Commander Shen talking, he couldn't help but reminded: "Our battalion commander and Master Shen are both surnamed Shen, you didn't expect anything?"


"Are you relatives?"

The correspondent glanced at everyone in vain, this group of clubs, are they too stupid? "It's Lao Tzu, how did the battalion commander's father, Master Shen, be born."

"Really? Why doesn't it feel like at all?"

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