May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1792: Qin Yue was arrested

He chose to shoot when Shen Yu was about to speak. He had no other purpose besides killing people and hiding secrets. He was still not sure about Shen Ming's true intentions, whether it was to kill someone or kill his relatives righteously.

If it were to kill someone, Shen Ming would definitely have a guilty conscience and wanted to kill himself to avoid future troubles. So he had to set up a game and let Shen Ming drill into it by himself.

"Then you don't need to come in person." Chen Yingjie whispered: "Sister-in-law is still waiting for you with the child at home!"

Xu Qigang's deep eyes suddenly became cold, and the turbulent emotions under his eyes appeared and disappeared like a flash in the pan. After a long while, he whispered: "This is the last time. After this time, I won't lead the team on missions myself."

He needs to give Xiao Ning and his children a home to comfort him. He can't let Xiao Ning live in fear all the time. In the Nanjiang kidnapping incident, he had already tasted the heart-piercing pain, and he could no longer bear the risk of losing Xiao Ning even a little bit.

The chief had talked to him a long time ago, and he didn't want him to continue to lead the team on missions, and the PLA had no habit of letting the division commander personally lead the team on special missions.

Going back this time, I really have to shift my focus.

"Let's go!" Xu Qigang urged.

"Master, you are thinking about it! No need! What kind of talent does our teacher want? Just pulling out one can kill Shen Ming."

"It's enough to have you. The time is right now, and my net has been cast out."

Chen Yingjie was taken aback for a moment, "When? Why don't I know?" The special tasks of the teacher are all left to him.

"At the time of the casino." When Kerberg retreated from the casino to the Bering Strait, he had a hunch that he would also chase the Soviet Union, so this plan was not a temporary intention.

"Oh!" The teacher led the team to the casino, and he was responsible for protecting his sister-in-law from following.

Looking at Chen Yingjie, I was really worried. Xu Qigang stopped and looked back at him, and asked with a smile, "Are you not confident in yourself?"

"How is it possible." Chen Yingjie looked like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his hair exploded on the spot. "Master, don't be kidding. If Shen Ming, I can't figure it out, I will write Chen Yingjie three words backwards."

"That's not enough." Xu Qigang didn't say anything, because they expected to cross the Heihe to the first sentry position of the border defense company. The company commander of the border defense company was already waiting at the first sentry post with people, and the two men saluted each other as soon as they met.



Xu Qigang returned a military salute and slightly nodded and said, "I have made you wait here for a long time."

"We are okay. The main hardship is Commander Shen. He doesn't worry that you will take them personally. He will not leave until Battalion Commander Shen Jianguo comes back to make sure you are safe." The border defense company commander said with envy.

Shen Feihu's love for Xu Qigang is unknown to the entire Northern Military Region, and even his own son must be resigned.

Xu Qigang moved slightly, but he was able to control his emotions and did not show too much.

"Master, we have prepared hot water and food."

"Thank you!" It's hard to say how hard they are on this journey. From the casino to the Bering Strait, from the Bering Strait to Moscow, and then until here, they have long been exhausted and need a rest.

"You are polite, this is what we should do. Fighting heroes deserve the highest reception index." The border defense conditions are difficult. Hot water baths and warm rooms are the best treatment.

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