May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1793: Farewell VS Welcome Ceremony

Xu Qigang was not very interested in being courteous with others, and when the handover was completed, he had to take people into it, but Qin Yue was stopped.

"Wait!" said the border defense company commander bitterly: "This one can't do it, he must grab it first."

Xu Qi turned his head fiercely, just when everyone thought he was going to get angry, he didn't expect him to hum. "it is good!"

Now Qin Yue quit, "I'll wipe it, you dare to yin Lao Tzu if you live Hades."

"Commander Qin, in view of your private departure and the undermining of high-level PLA generals, you must go to the Garrison Command for investigation. An investigation order regarding you has come, please cooperate."

"Get out!" Being arrested as soon as he entered the country obviously annoyed Qin Xue. He subconsciously wanted to draw his gun, but was stopped by Xu Qigang even faster.

The two of them were so close, Xu Qigang had cold eyebrows, and said indifferently: "If you don't want the consequences to be overwhelming, give me honest cooperation."


"Shut up!" He was quarreled to death by him along the way. Xu Qigang personally handed over Qin Yue's gun and handed the man to the border defense company commander. "I will take him to guard. headquarters."

"Yes! Chief."


Sheng Ning had been with the art troupe all afternoon, and had dinner in the cafeteria with Lu Dabao and Wu Youli at noon. She brought a lot of gifts, the price is not very expensive, but the things are new and can not be bought in China.

Especially for chocolate, Lu Dabao ate a single one and called out happiness and bubbling. So all the food was robbed by her, and the silk scarves that should have belonged to her were also exchanged for food.

Provoked countless people's eyes.

Yang Wenying's speed was very fast, and Sheng Ning immediately arranged to take over after agreeing. As if for fear that she would run away, Teacher Qiubai flew a few eye knives past.

Because she had discussed with Teacher Qiu Bai about Sheng Ning's succession, the report was called before and was approved.

Now regarding Shengning’s promotion, no one should deliberately fail to pass. Logistics is the power of the Su family, or Xu Qigang's own status.

There are many heads, but there are none for such a young teacher.

I haven't visited the art troupe for a year. In the summer, many new recruits joined the army. Of course, some of the veterans before, have been discharged one after another when the time comes. As the saying goes, the big barracks and the running soldiers are talking about this.

Sheng Ning has never seen these newcomers, but she is also a veteran now. After deciding to take over as teacher Qiubai, she is the youngest and fastest-promoted teacher in the art troupe.

Naturally, it has attracted the attention of many people, and many of them are not convinced. However, people like Yang Xiaoman and Lu Xiaoshuang knew Shengning's strength in their hearts, and even if they were unwilling, they would not dare to say anything.

Following Yang Wenying on a familiar road, she has been to the center of the largest auditorium of the art troupe. Hundreds of people gathered in the singing and dancing group, drama group, and instrument group.

They were notified in advance to gather in the auditorium at 3 pm.

Teacher Qiubai came first, and Shengning was standing outside the door with Yang Wenying when he arrived. The open door of the auditorium could clearly hear Qiubai's honest and clear voice.

"It's an honor to lead you." Qiu Bai took off his military cap and bowed deeply. She is a teacher, leader, and superior, but she is also a friend, comrade-in-arms, and confidant of many art soldiers.

After spending so long in the Thirty-Ninth Division Art Troupe, she was also very reluctant.

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