May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1927: You are like a wood

Liu Yilan's eyes widened, thinking that she was dreaming again! How else would the man in front of me appear here?

"" Her red lips opened slightly, and she didn't say a complete sentence for a long time, thinking that the cold sweat on her overbearing and indifferent forehead fell off.

"I...I just left in a hurry, and I'm really not suitable to be a teacher for the young master." She likes Lin En very much, coupled with the relationship between Lin En and Sheng Ning, she really hurts her heart. Because of this, when the Duke of Westminster sent someone to ask her to be a music teacher for Lynn, she agreed.

But... But she never thought that she would be harassed by the parents of students when she was just a teacher?

"So you don't want to be a tutor?" The Duke's standard London accent is extremely **** and elegant, and that elegance is carved into the bones and penetrates into the blood. Even if he was swearing, it would not affect his nobility.

Liu Yilan nodded as soon as there was a play.

"In that case..." Lord Duke paused, his azure-blue eyes showed a witty chuckle, as if thinking of something happy, giving this man who was expressionless and cold and frosty for many years a little more human. .

Liu Yilan didn't speak, she looked at him nervously with her big eyes open, feeling scared in her heart about what he was about to say.

"Since you don't want to be my son's teacher, how about being his stepmother?" The Lord Duke no longer gave her the opportunity to hesitate and resist, bowed her head and sealed her lips.

This woman is really a bad woman. When she was a home tutor for her son in the castle, she rejected him, but she fascinated him and wanted to see her all the time. What's even worse is that he dared to sneak away, and it took him so long to find it.

Now he still looks innocent.

She didn't know how she came over this period of time. She was tortured by him and she was going crazy, and the entire castle had to detour when seeing him. Taking her back this time, we must recover all the losses during this time.

Liu Yilan's mind went blank, her heartbeat missed a beat, and she was angry and angry at the same time a little bit of joy. She didn't know what was wrong with herself, as if she was sick.

After a long time, the Duke let go of her, frowned slightly, and seemed very dissatisfied.

"Not good." He shook his head solemnly, "You are like a wood."

"..." Liu Yilan was completely angry, "This is my first kiss, do you understand the first kiss?" She was so angry.

"Really? I'm very happy, very happy." The Lord Duke gave a pleasant smile, exactly the same as Lynn who was in the banquet hall just now. They are indeed fathers and sons. They always show the same expression when they deliberately please someone. , Makes people unable to entertain.

"Western women are too open, not good, very bad."

Liu Yilan sneered, "Huh! Not only Western women are more open, I think Western men are more open, right?"

"I'm not open." The Duke said solemnly, "This is the first time I have kissed a woman."

"Did you really like men before, so you kissed a woman for the first time?" Liu Yilan thought of a secret circulating in the upper class. It seems that many people say that the Duke of Westminster likes men.

It seems that the family still has a male pet, and having a son is also for the continuation of the family.

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