May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1928: Be a stepmother for your son

"What are you talking about?" The Duke's face blushed with great popularity, and he lowered his head viciously and took a bite on her lips, painful Liu Yilan whispered.

"Follow me back to England!"

" open me first."

"Go back and be a stepmother for my son."

"I don't want to be a stepmother!"

The two were struggling in the corner, and all of Liu Yilan's back was sealed by the Lord Duke. The tall man was too deterrent. She needed to raise her head and pad her feet to reach him, and it was useless to struggle for a long time.

"Ahem..." Someone coughed uncomfortably.

Then came Lynn’s grieving voice, "Teacher, do you really dislike me so much?"

When the two turned their heads, the entire corridor was full of people, just looking at the two in time. The leaders are Sheng Ning and Xu Qigang.

When the Lord Duke thought of coming in, only Xu Qigang found out. It must be a good thing that he deliberately sabotaged himself. But he didn't care. He heard that Yishi IKEA, an oriental woman, was discovered and Yilan was about to marry him.

Liu Yilan had never seen such an embarrassing situation before, and she wanted to faint on the spot.

"It's okay." The Lord Duke whispered: "Everyone is blessing us!"

"..." Is this a blessing? Is this a joke? Why do good brides do not wish to bless them?

This difference between the East and the West is simply a gap that cannot be bridged.

"Uuuuu...sure enough, I am very unpopular in this family. I have a stepmother and a stepfather. I want to run away from home." Lin En said in a voice, and immediately changed a very nice face , To see the little sister in Xu Qigang's arms.

As a result, Xu Qigang glared at him, and then went to find the powerful foreign aid Shengning.

"Auntie, look at my father who helped me find a stepmother. Now the whole family doesn't like me anymore. Can I follow you in the future?"

"Why should you follow me?" Sheng Ning asked knowingly.

"Because then I can grow up with my wife! We are childhood sweethearts and other bad boys will not have a chance."

Sheng Ning thought about it carefully, and felt that her son-in-law was right. Let the son-in-law grow up with her daughter since she was young, so that other bad girls will have no chance, so that her daughter will not be afraid of not being able to marry when she grows up.


"What are you thinking?" Xu Qigang saw what was thinking in her daughter-in-law's heart at a glance, and said dissatisfied: "My daughter grows up and wants to marry her. Can those who want to marry her form a strengthening group, and I'm afraid of getting married?"

Lynn turned pale when he heard of the strengthening group. "Auntie, I want to stay, I want to stay, I won't go back."

Lord Duke is unwilling, "Lynn don’t mess around, this is the stepmother I found for you. If you are not at home, what will the stepmother do?" He bit and said that he was looking for a stepmother for his son.


Very despised.

Sheng Ning, Xu Qigang, including Xiao Lin En, despise Lord Duke very much.

The excitement outside was so loud that people in half of the banquet hall were alarmed. Su Huaian followed Chen Huaying cautiously, and Feng Xiaoli also came out to join Renault.

The four were very wronged, so what about the focus of the audience?

Who is the bride today?

Who is the groom today?

Who is this so special? Are you deliberately stealing the limelight?

Chen Huaying eagerly met Feng Xiaoli, and smiled very tacitly. Humph! Dare to tear down her Chen Shao's station, haven't you asked about it before coming?

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