May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1929: Five years later

Five years later

Today is the day when the twins are in the first grade of elementary school. With the economic development in recent years, more and more schools have sprung up, and there are even many international schools.

However, because of our commander Xu's hegemony, not only did the twins not be allowed to go to the international school, but they were also placed in the Zidibing Primary School in the military area.

That's right, our living king, Commander Xu, was promoted honorably to commander at the beginning of this year. The star on his shoulders almost flashed blindly, so someone complained every day, and asked his wife for credit if nothing happened.

The good name is that he has paid too much for this family. If his wife didn't ask him to persuade him to continue serving as a soldier, he could take the twins to go fishing every day.

God knows, what he hates most is fishing.

Because in the past five years, whenever Shengning deliberately tortured him, he would organize an outing with the whole family, and by the way, he would come back for dinner after fishing at night. For five years, Commander Xu, who was blinded by Xingxian, and coaxed, did not catch a fish.

Moreover, people in the entire military area knew about this matter, and even reported it to the military report. Whenever the old comrades met, they had to laugh at him twice.

Yesterday, Li Bin, whose legs had recovered, came as a guest. He came in and said that.

Are you not a cow? Isn't it a shotgun shot? Isn't it strong in combat? Why can't you catch a fish?

Thinking about this, Li Bin felt that he was quite lucky.

"Hurry up, I'm late before leaving." Sheng Ning hurriedly urged Xu Qigang, who was still reluctant to get up. She had already packed up. Someone was lying on the bed with a thin silk quilt. Only half of the cover reveals the strong eight-pack abs, and the viewer wants to drool.

Five years came in the blink of an eye. Sheng Ning's appearance has not changed in any way, but it makes her look more mature and charming, and a look can turn Xu Junchang's head into confusion.

"Daughter-in-law." Xu Jun chief complained lazily, "I took my troops to participate in military exercises and didn't go home for a whole month, so you treat me like this?"

"How did I treat you?" I tortured her all night last night. Isn't that enough?

"How did you say it at the beginning? As long as I am a good soldier, you won't refuse me." Xu Qigang pulled the quilt down again, and it revealed not only the eight-pack abs, but also the mermaid. Line, and the dreamy groin.

He has been a monk for a whole month, of course he has to feed him, otherwise he refuses to get up.

It's okay not to mention this, as soon as Sheng Ning said this, he wanted to cut him. She always thought that the most shameless person was Meng Ping, but Xu Qigang was the one who was really shameless. He used to hide it well, but she didn't notice it.

"Are you embarrassed to say?" Sheng Ning walked to the bed a few steps, with his hands on his hips accusing him, "What do you do when you are your soldier? Why do you fall on me? Xu Qigang, you are too shameless. It’s been too long? It’s been five years, and you are so embarrassed to mention that the thing I regret most is to persuade you to go back to be a soldier."

It was so cheap and good, she now seriously doubted whether Shen Feihu and Xu Qigang joined forces to get her off. As a result, she signed a series of treaties to betray her power and humiliate the country before coaxing this ancestor back into a soldier.

She can still remember that the day after someone went back to serve as a soldier, she revealed that the army was my family and I loved the true face of my family.

"You were the one who persuaded me to go back to be a soldier after the operation, otherwise I would definitely not go back. If I didn't go back, my father would be more qualified."

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