May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Good to be reborn

Gu Yunbo lowered his head and saw the cotton skirt on his body at a glance. This kind of fabric is easy to wrinkle, and it is particularly ugly. There is no electric iron in the countryside.

But in summer it is comfortable and breathable

This is her best piece of clothing, the earliest poverty alleviation activity in the country, and was donated to her by others.

Gu Yunbo evoked a sneer, and his small face filled with white smile.

God really will not treat anyone wrongly, and the lost things will always make up for you in unexpected ways. When she was obviously dead and had accepted that she closed her eyes with regret, she actually gave her another chance.

"Little girl, why don't you eat? If you don't eat, it will be cold." An aunt next to her with a turban was speaking in a strong local dialect.

Gu Yunbo understands one word for eating. She has been in the United States for more than ten years, and her Chinese is limited to Mandarin.

"Little girl?"

Gu Yunbo probably guessed what she meant, and nodded and took the rice one bite. In fact, she didn't taste the food.


The slow speed of the train in 1976 is really unsatisfactory, and it took two days and nights to get to this largest city in the north. When he walked out of the train station and looked at the old city and the plainly dressed people, Gu Yunbo was still confused in his mind.

"Uncle Yunbo, I want to go to the chief's house first, and then take you home." Ping Guofei usually has no holidays in the army. He has been a guard for the chief but has been a guard for 15 years. He was only transferred from last year. Became a deputy company commander in the company below.

"Good!" Gu Yunbo nodded simply, and followed Ping Guofei to the military area compound by car.

She knew that Ping Guofei was Meng Xingzhi's confidant, and that she was adopted, but she was not qualified to move forward. In the previous life, because of being too active, I don't know how many trips have been made behind the back.

But she is not afraid.

I'm not afraid in my previous life, even less in this life.

Gu Yunbo was standing at the gate of the compound with her snakeskin pocket, waiting for a long time. She squatted on the ground, her snow-white skin and slender figure, the seventeen-year-old girl was fused with tenderness and tempered cold Yan and sexy.

Two completely different temperaments make her so beautiful that people can't look away.

"How? You know?" A puzzled voice sounded at the gate.

Gu Yunbo lowered his head and didn't care.

"I don't know." The voice of the person who answered was as deep and elegant as a cello, and every word he uttered was gently brushed on the tip of the heart like a feather.

Gu Yunbo suddenly raised his head, the light in his eyes seemed to cut everything.

She looked at the crowd who had entered the compound, uniformly dressed in military uniform, although she did not see what she had dreamed of, but she knew that he was in the crowd.

At this moment, she was confused for two days before her mind suddenly became bright.

Finally had the excitement and excitement of rebirth.

She didn't have too many regrets in her life. When a person suffered all the hardships, she could basically accomplish everything she wanted to do. For example, revenge for her mother and let Zhu Meihua's wife be separated and her family destroyed.

She thought that she would have no regrets, and she never felt alone in the United States alone.

Until Shengning's arrival, he brought his message.

He died in battle, he sacrificed, he was calculated by the brothers who grew up together.

Since then, he has become a shackle in his heart. Painful, but reluctant to give up.

Gu Yunbo raised her head to look up at the sky, and the scorching sun shone on her white face, as well as her heart soaked in revenge and blood.

"It's great to be born again." She yelled happily, with an excited look on her face.

Her rebirth was not for revenge, not for changing fate, nor for gaining power, wealth, or even love.

She just wants to change one person's fate, and only wants one person to live.

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