May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 3: More man than anyone else

In the crowd that was almost out of sight after entering the compound, a handsome and elegant man turned his head slightly, with a hint of surprise and playfulness between his handsome and confusing brows and eyes.

"What's wrong? It's abnormal since entering the gate." A tall man elbows the man next to him.

Before the man could answer, the others couldn't stand it anymore, and they joked loudly: "Shen Yu, you stay away from our young commander, otherwise everyone thinks you are interesting to the young commander."

"Hahaha..." The others laughed.

Shen Yu furiously thundered, "I like men, he is a man." He raised his fist after speaking.

The most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, everyone looked at Shen Yu with horrified eyes, and then they retreated.

Shen Yu was silly, what did he just say?

"Meng Fan, what did I just say?" He must have been mad, so he couldn't help speaking.

When he took a step forward, Meng Fan took a step back in time, cleared his throat and said, "You like men."

"No, it's not..." Shen Yu jumped up in place, "I was wrong, what I like is..."

"Okay, don't explain, we all know."

"We understand you, it's not a big deal."

"We won't spread it out, don't worry."

The special "compassionate" performance of everyone is young men, and they will chat on certain topics every time they grow up together. Meng Fan was not interested, and walked towards his home with long legs.

When he was invisible, everyone who was joking was even more unscrupulous.

"Shen Dashao, do you like our young commander? You say!"

"You honestly explain."

"We will understand you."

" understand, do you like the young commander too?"

Shen Yu's face darkened, and he turned to go home angrily.

Meng Fan is really a stranger, that face not only can make women fascinated, even men will look dumbfounded. But thinking of his methods and force makes people tremble.

No matter how good-looking Meng Fan is, no one will blindly dare to like him as a woman.

He can testify, absolutely one hundred percent real man.

More men than anyone else.


Gu Yunbo had been quietly waiting at the door, her cheeks were reddened by the sun, and her eyes were clear and bright. Ping Guofei couldn't help taking a look when he came out of the compound.

He found that the little girl seemed to have changed again.

When I went to pick her up, I was gloomy and sharp as a sword when I was on the train. Now it seems to be much calmer.

He shook his head with a laugh. How could a seventeen-year-old girl be dazzled.

"Yunbo, we live in the family yard behind the compound. It takes 20 minutes to walk from here." Ping Guofei picked up her pocket and said while walking in front.

In fact, this road has long been carved into Gu Yunbo's mind, and she didn't know how many times she had walked it in her previous life.

The family courtyard is quite large, unlike the small villas in the military compound. There are a total of four buildings here, each with five stories high and four houses on the first floor.

Some are two generations and one hall, and some are three rooms and one hall. With a bathroom, cooking is just a little remodeled in the back corridor and used as a kitchen.

Yes, this kind of family building has front and back corridors.

Ping Guofei lived on the second floor of a building. When the two of them arrived, Zhu Meihua was busy cooking. Hearing noise coming out of the kitchen, he was stunned when he saw Gu Yunbo standing in the living room.

It looks a lot like Gu Weiwei.

She kept her hands as she was wiping her hands with her apron, and the expression on her face was very complicated and difficult to understand.

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