May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 10: You are too stupid

Zhu Meihua was holding her son and daughter's arm, her face was full of joy and sorrow, as if she had knocked over a palette. The thing she is most proud of is also the thing that suffers the most in the dead of night.

"I don't like it, but I won't be as stupid as you." Everything now is for Zhu Meihua who is most proud of her life, loving her husband, good son, and caring daughter.

"Why am I stupid?"

"You will only make others hate you."

It takes only 20 minutes to walk from the family compound to the military area compound. Ping Guofei was an old face. The soldiers on guard knew him, and the four of them let in without much interrogation.

Ping Guofei came to visit the chief this time, and Commander Meng did not spend much time at home. When the four arrived, Army Commander Meng’s current guard Liu Yong greeted Ping Guofei from a long distance away.

One of them is the predecessor and the other is the current one. They have a very good relationship.

"Is the chief here?"

"I'm here."

Liu Yong took the four people in. Meng Xingzhi was in the study. Ping Guofei went directly to the study to look for him as soon as Ping Guofei arrived. A family of three remained, sitting in the living room under the greeting of the aunt.

Ping Simin lifted his chin to Gu Yunbo triumphantly. She has been to the Meng's house many times since she was a child. This **** has never seen such a good house, right?


The decoration of Meng's house is actually very simple, the living room is old-fashioned chairs, and the furniture is covered with lace cloth, typical of the 70s and 80s. Gu Yunbo followed Sister Fang, who was in charge of housework, to the living room and sat down. He scanned his eyes and found neither Su Yun nor Meng Ping.

She was suddenly relieved.

"You drink tea first."

"Thank you, Captain Su is not at home?" Zhu Meihua asked embarrassingly. She had known that Captain Su was not at home, she would not bring her daughter to the house. There is no hostess at home, it is not suitable for them to come home.

"During this period of time, the performance task is heavy, and the team leader has been living in the army."

Gu Yunbo lowered his head, with a sneer from the corner of his mouth. Even if Su Yun was busy, as long as Meng Xingzhi was at home, she couldn't wait to stay at home every day, how could she be willing to live in the army. She didn't come back, just because Meng Fan came back, her stepmother had a guilty conscience and was afraid of her eldest son.

She couldn't help but think of the things that Sheng Ning had said in her previous life, and she hated Su Yun even more.

"Then let's go first." Zhu Meihua knew the current affairs well, stood up to leave but was caught by Ping Simin.

"Mom, let's sit for a while." Ping Simin whispered: "The young commander is back, I don't want to leave."

She seemed to have a low voice, but everyone in the living room heard it, and Sister Fang's face immediately became cold. She doesn't have a good face to treat those who want to fight the young master.

These girls are so annoying that they don't even care about their faces.

"That... Okay!" Zhu Meihua smiled dryly, and took the initiative to take Sister Fang's hand and said: "Go, I'll go to the kitchen to help you and let you see my cooking skills."

Her cooking skills are among the best in the family's compound, and many people will ask her for help in banquets! Sister Fang had heard of it a long time ago, and she wanted to learn how to use both hands, so her ugly face just improved a lot.

"Then you two little girls go to the compound to play by yourself. There is a swing in the back. Let's get busy first." Sister Fang greeted her and walked to the kitchen with Zhu Meihua.

There were no adults in the living room, and Ping Simin immediately relaxed and said arrogantly at Gu Yunbo: "I tell you, the young commander is mine. Don't try to **** me."

"Who gave you the courage?" Gu Yunbo asked back, "I advise you to die sooner."

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