May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 11: I want to be a soldier

"Why? What's wrong with me?"

She looked up and down, and said solemnly: "Nowhere is bad, the most important thing is that the brain is not good." She was worried about Ping Qing, how could she have such a stupid sister.

"You..." Ping Simin couldn't help but wanted to get angry, but she still listened to Zhu Meihua's words just now, resisting the anger in her heart, and snorted coldly.

"I don't care about you, you'd better be controlled by me too." After that, he went upstairs.

Gu Yunbo sat honestly on the chair in the living room, staring dumbfounded. She didn't expect Ping Simin to be so courageous that she would sneak upstairs in the absence of her master.

The upper floor is usually the master’s bedroom and study. It’s a shame to go up without an invitation.

Ping Simin may be the footsteps are too loud, maybe Ping Guofei has guessed what virtue is his daughter. Just as Ping Simin went up and sneaked through the large study room, the door of the study room suddenly opened, and the father and daughter met face to face.

Ping Simin was almost scared to death.

"What are you doing?" Ping Guo furiously glared at his daughter, grabbed her wrist and dragged it downstairs.

The two voices were not small, even Zhu Meihua in the kitchen heard them.

"What's the matter?" She looked at her husband with a guilty conscience.

"Take her back." Ping Guofei was very scary when he became angry, Zhu Meihua nodded and dragged the unwilling Ping Simin out without saying a word.

It was really embarrassing that Gu Yunbo stood up lazily and wanted to go out with him, but was stopped by Ping Guofei.

"Yunbo, wait."

"Me?" She looked at Ping Guofei in confusion.

"Well! Follow me to the study." Ping Guofei greeted him, and regardless of the ugly faces of his wife and daughter, he stepped upstairs.

Ping Simin's eyes were blazing, and even Zhu Meihua looked at her husband in panic. Fortunately, the mother and daughter knew that this was not a place to fight wildly, so they went out first unwillingly.

Gu Yunbo followed Ping Guofei to the large study room and saw Meng Xingzhi sitting behind the desk at a glance. As he remembered, he was gentle and elegant and personable.

"Chief, this is my adopted daughter." Ping Guofei respectfully saluted him and motioned to Gu Yunbo to say hello.

"Hello, Chief." Gu Yunbo stood on the spot like a wooden stake, looking directly at Meng Xingzhi, thinking about how painful his father would be after Meng Fan died.

According to Shengning, Meng Xingzhi personally greeted Meng Fan's body when it was transported back from the battlefield.

The comrade-in-arms hero was greeted by his own son.

Meng Xingzhi just heard Ping Guofei praised his adopted daughter, but whoever is a father doesn't think his child is the best. So he didn't care, he only met after giving his subordinates a face.

But the reaction of the girl in front of him was far beyond his guess. She looked at her with sympathy, right?

"Your name is Gu Yunbo? I heard that your skills are very good. Do you want to be a soldier in the future?"

Gu Yunbo nodded slowly, "Yes."

"Then what kind of soldier are you going to be? Girls generally choose art soldiers, communication soldiers or medical soldiers." Meng Xingzhi has a good temper and a kind attitude.

"I want to enter the field corps."

"The field corps does not have literary and artistic soldiers, so you can only choose the communications or medics. However, if it is divided into the field corps, it will be harder than the average company."

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