May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 13: You afraid of me

"..." Gu Yunbo rolled his eyes in his heart, and it really was what the young commander could say.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"..." Who is afraid of him? She was just afraid of herself. After finally controlling herself, she let herself get rid of the idea of ​​coveting him. She was afraid that she could no longer control herself as long as she saw him.

Gu Yunbo has an ostrich mentality. She thinks that as long as she doesn't see Meng Fan, she won't sink. Keeping a calm heart is more important than anything else.

"I'm leaving, you get out of the way." She must not look up. Someone can make a woman fascinated by wearing clothes. She can't believe what Meng Fan was like just after taking a bath.

Does she get a nosebleed just thinking about it?

"I didn't block the door." Meng Fan's voice was dull, which sounded a little strange.

Gu Yunbo looked for a direction and rushed out in a hurry.

Meng Fan returned to his room from the bathroom with a pair of phoenix eyes, ready to change clothes and go out. Standing at the window, you can clearly see the girl running in the sun.

Gu Yunbo kept running out of the compound before stopping. Once he stopped, he could hear the sound of his heart vibrating in his chest.


Keep ringing.

She reached out and held her chest, fearing that she would jump out sooner.

Some people are really born to harm women, and the key is that they don't bother.

"What are you doing?" Ping Simin's overcast voice sounded behind her. She was worried about leaving the compound and refused to go home, so she would wait here for Gu Yunbo to come out.

"Are you annoying?" Gu Yunbo really didn't have much patience to deal with her.

"Why don't you pretend to be obedient?" Ping Simin said triumphantly: "I must let my dad see your face."

"Ping Simin, I know you look unpleasant to me, but you'd better bear it, or you can't bear the fruit." In her previous life, Ping Simin was her first target. Now she has finally managed to restrain herself from thinking about revenge, and the result is that someone will provoke her somehow.

Gu Yunbo's eyes were cold and sharp, and when he looked at her, it was like looking at a dead person, without the slightest situation. As if she could kill her at any time as long as she wanted.

Ping Simin staggered back, shaking uncontrollably.

Gu Yunbo stepped forward and looked at her condescendingly, her words sharp as if she was poisoned, "I advise you to be honest, so maybe you can live a few more years, otherwise..." The last words were not finished, but she The sneer on his face is enough to imagine.

Ping Simin was only seventeen years old. After seeing this kind of battle, she fell to the ground in fright.

"Can't get up yet?" She kicked it, and the painful Ping Simin jumped up like a rabbit.

" wait, my parents believe you, but my brother will never believe you, wait for you to be driven away!" she yelled unwillingly.

"If I was kicked out, I would kill you first before leaving." Gu Yunbo smiled, perhaps thinking of the death of Ping Simin in the previous life, which made her mood slightly excited and her expression oozing.

Ping Simin was frightened and had goose bumps all over his body. Gu Yunbo has been cold and ignorant of anyone this month. She didn't like it in her heart, but she despised it more.

A wild species from a rural area, what qualifications do they have to live in their home?

But until now, she didn't realize how terrifying Gu Yunbo was.

She is a bully and fearful of hardship. Gu Yunbo's appearance was so scared that she couldn't even speak harsh words, and fled in panic.

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