May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 14: No dissatisfaction

When Ping Guofei returned for dinner at noon, he announced the college entrance examination, but it was only expected that this news would come out. It hasn't been confirmed, but even this is a good thing worth setting off firecrackers.

"It's no wonder that the young people in the compound have come back. I guess they were preparing for the exam?" Zhu Meihua said happily, "I thought I would have to wait a few years! I didn't expect it so soon, and fortunately we got the news early. , Otherwise there’s no time to prepare for the exam."

"Yes!" Ping Guofei nodded, "Tell Ping Qing the news so that he can read more books and prepare for next year's exam."

"Really?" Zhu Meihua almost jumped up happily, "It would be great if my son could be admitted to the military academy, it would be better than being in the army slowly."

Gu Yunbo listened honestly and didn't make any comments. Her future has been planned. There are still three and a half years before Meng Fan's death. These three and a half years are enough for her to do a lot of things.

For example, killing Shen Yu, the culprit. By the way, his brother can't let it go, this is the real man behind the scenes. But if you want to do this, you must be a soldier. Only by following Meng Fan can she pinch all the secret calculations in the cradle.

"Did the chief tell you? Does that chief's son also take the exam?"

Ping Guofei shook his head, "The eldest son of the chief's family was originally the commander of the reconnaissance company of the field corps and was also a student of the military academy. They have special recruitment quotas and do not need to take the exam."

Over the years, the military academy has never stopped returning to one day of class, but there are a lot fewer students. The more you train in this way, the more talented you are. In the future, enrollment will be opened to the whole country, but the competitive pressure will be reduced.

"Simin, you will review it at home honestly for me from tomorrow, don't go anywhere."

"I can't read it at home!" Ping Simin glanced at Gu Yunbo quietly, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that she hadn't looked at herself. "I'm going to play at Dandan's house. She can teach me if she has good grades."


So the matter of preparation for the exam was settled down. Zhu Meihua and his wife knew that their daughter would not be able to play with Gu Yunbo, so they did not force it. As long as the daughter doesn't have anything to do, it will do.


Courtyard, Meng Family

At lunch, the father and son sat face to face, and the guard Liu Yong sat in a row with Sister Fang and Meng Fan. Meng Fan wore a short-sleeved shirt at home, a common style in the late 1970s, and walked everywhere on the street. However, he has a different style when worn on his body.

Meng Xingzhi was dissatisfied with this son in no way.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, nose bridge is high, every inch is just right. Meng Fan's handsome and upright spirit, a gentleman like jade, makes people feel pleasing to the eye at the first glance, and can't help but trust.

The youngest son is also very good, but the youngest son is too dull, perverse and unruly. Since childhood, he has always been the demon king in the compound. Now the older he is, the more he refuses to be disciplined.

"Ahem... you eat more, I found that you are dark and thin when you come back this time." Meng Xingzhi tried to communicate with his son more, hoping that his son could look at him more.

Meng Fan shook his chopsticks, and then continued eating without incident.

Liu Yong was almost choked by food. Didn't the chief know that the most disliked thing about Meng Fan is his skin is too white? Every time I participate in field training, others seem to come back from Africa, and Meng Fan seems to come back from the North Pole.

"Son, this braised pork is good, you can't eat it in the army." Meng Xingzhi smiled and gave his son some vegetables.

Meng Fan glanced at the greasy meat, and when he was considering whether to refuse, Meng Xingzhi added another sentence.

"Usually you can't eat braised pork once a month, so you only have this chance when you come back."

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