May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 16: Just want to help her alone

"Oh! I heard that it was the daughter of a friend of Guofei's wife. She had no father since she was a child, and her mother died and she was taken back by Guofei as a daughter." Thinking about that girl was indeed very poor in her life, no wonder Guofei valued it so much. .

"I heard that she wanted to be a soldier. I have suggested that she take the college entrance examination next year."

Meng Fan nodded thoughtfully, "It's a good seed."

"Even you say that?" Meng Xingzhi knew how picky his son was. Since he said he was a good seedling, it was absolutely. "I'm really curious how good it can be."


In the afternoon, Su Hai, who hadn't seen him for a long time, came and brought a new mission.

"My nephew, donate a little!" Su Hai is only eight years older than Meng Fan, and at twenty-eight years old, he is confident and calm in every gesture and action.

Meng Fan was sitting in her small study room and reading. Hearing that he put down the military books in his hand, nodded and said, "I already have a special aid target. I only want to help her alone."

"You haven't said that before. Can't you help a few more? The children in the mountain village are very pitiful, so you can help your uncle complete the task." He originally wanted to calculate how many more people helped by his nephew!

Meng Fan shook his head firmly.

"My nephew, I found you have no sympathy at all." Su Hai was heartbroken.

"Yeah!" Someone nodded solemnly, unable to speak Su Haiqi's words.

"When will you return to the army?"


"So soon? Are you getting better?"

"It's almost done. If I'm going back, will your sister be anxious?" Meng Fan looked at him with a smile, Su Hai coughed unnaturally.

"I'm leaving." The main purpose of his coming today is because of Su Yun, his sister is too useless. Wanting to please the two stepsons, the young one is a thorny head, and the big one has a good temper, but Su Yun is afraid of the big one.

Once Meng Fan was at home, Su Yun chose to live in the army.


Ping Guofei didn't know where he borrowed two sets of high school textbooks, and the two of them shared one set for each.

In fact, she had read these textbooks in her previous life, so it doesn't matter if she doesn't read them now. So she put more energy on training, targeted, too many people exercise every morning, do not want to be onlookers can only adjust the exercise time.

As the sky gradually entered autumn, Gu Yunbo no longer had enough clothes. She didn't want to wear any of the clothes that Zhu Meihua bought. Unfortunately, when she came to the city, she couldn't receive the clothes from previous donors.

The **** are cheaper.

Ugh! Should she write a letter to her donor?

Gu Yunbo rummaged through the boxes and took out the snakeskin pocket she had brought from the countryside, which really made her find the envelope. On the top, it says Donor Zero and One, whose address is actually the same city.

"Gu Yunbo has your parcel." The uncle janitor of the family compound shouted downstairs with his throat. Gu Yunbo came downstairs and saw that the uncle was holding a cardboard box in his hand.


"Thank you!" She stared wide-eyed as she looked at the dragon and phoenix on the cardboard box with Donor 01.

She was wrong, and she shouldn't call the villagers rascals. Sure enough, the people of this era are still simple, she has left, and the clothes donated to her are actually mailed to her.

Too conscientious.

Returning to the room holding the cardboard box, Gu Yunbo happily opened it up. Inside were two sets of autumn clothes, the color of which was pink. She couldn't help but curl her lips, thinking to herself that this donor must be a strange uncle.

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