May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Hang out together

"Yunbo are you at home?" The girl's voice with a strong accent sounded outside. "I came to see you."

Gu Yunbo arranged his clothes and ran out on the bed when a girl with dark skin was already standing in the room. Big eyes, braids, thin and thin like a bamboo pole.

This is a newly moved house next door, named Shi Chunlan.

"Are you at home? Let's go out together!" Shi Chunlan smiled silly, "I don't feel bored when I see you at home every day."

She knew Shi Chunlan in her previous life, but she rarely interacted with her. At that time, she had a gloomy personality, and Shi Chunlan was too timid to come and play with her. Unexpectedly, after being reborn, someone would come to play with him.

"Where to go?" she asked stiffly.

She has never qualified to play since she was a child. When she was a child, her mother would force her to read and write when she was sane. When she was not sane, she would be busy taking care of her.

Going out to play with this vocabulary made her feel unfamiliar and novel.

"Go to the military department! I heard that there will be a performance today, and the art soldiers are pretty good." Shi Chunlan was so excited, she was timid and didn't dare to go alone, and Ping Simin didn't like playing with her. Come to see Gu Yunbo.

"Are you going? I haven't watched a performance yet when I grew up! In previous years, when I was in the village, I only heard it on the radio." Shi Chunlan looked at her expectantly.

"Then wait for me." Gu Yunbo thought for a while, and finally agreed, turned back to the room, changed clothes and went out with Shi Chunlan. The military headquarters is not far from the compound. It only takes an hour to walk. If you are confident, you will ride faster.

Since coming to the Ping family, she has been working hard all day long, and she really needs to go out to learn more. There is also the scourge of the two Shen family brothers. She has been thinking about it for a long time, and the simplest way is to kill people as soon as possible.

Gu Yunbo was not so confident. She knew that Shen Yu was not easy to deal with, so she could only do her best to strengthen herself.

The two of them walked all the way to the military headquarters. Shi Chunlan watched her from time to time, as if hesitated to speak.

"Say whatever you want."

"Yunbo, you seem to be thinner." Shi Chunlan looked at Gu Yunbo's slender and thin appearance, and looked at her chubby herself.

She cast a glance at herself, not paying much attention. She was like this when she was seventeen in her previous life, so she didn't care much. In fact, during this period of exercise, she ate a lot of food. Not growing flesh has something to do with physique!

"It's thin and white." Shi Chunlan said enviously: "I grew up so big, and I haven't seen anyone whiter than you!"

Gu Yunbo's expression was a little sad, "The son of the chief's family is whiter than mine." Meng Fan's skin exudes jade and is shiny, which she can't match.

Shi Chunlan hadn't been from the countryside for a long time, and the military district compound not far away didn't know much about it. He just nodded ignorantly after hearing Gu Yunbo's words. Then she asked her about her future plans and what she wanted to do.

"How about you?"

"I want to be a soldier, I have wanted to be a soldier since I was young"

Gu Yunbo talked lazily. Whether it was the family compound or the military area compound, 99% of the road he chose in the future was to join the army. Those of them whose parents are in the army, the conditions for joining the army are easier than those of ordinary bosses.

In fact, when going out in the age, most of them rely on their legs. Shi Chunlan is accustomed to farm work in the countryside, and he doesn't feel tired from walking. Gu Yunbo's physical fitness was already able to carry heavy cross-country loads, and the two came to the gate of the Second Army Military Headquarters very easily.

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