May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 28: I don't know if I sell it

He had heard his sister talk about Gu Yuehong many times, but he never knew that Gu Yuehong was a ruthless character. Such a dangerous person, my sister is so stupid that she can't let her play with each other.

I don’t know if I was sold that day.

Zhu Meihua's eyes lit up and said, "What you said makes sense." Gu Yunbo is still useful to keep her, and he doesn't want to drive her away easily unless she is a last resort.

"If Simin is willing to forgive her, I have no objection."

"I'm leaving."

Ping Qing took Gu Yuehong back with the flashlight.

The Gu family also has their own house in the military district compound, but the family has been living in the ancestral house with too many people to live in. It takes an hour to ride a bicycle. During the day, a group of young people were crazy about it, and they didn’t feel far on their bicycles.

Ping Qing drove her back on a bicycle, because he was thinking about finding Gu Yunbo and riding faster.


At night, the playground next to the military area compound was dark together. Shi Chunlan took the flashlight borrowed from the neighboring political commissar Zhao’s house all the way from the yard to the yard. Later, thinking that Yunbo likes to exercise at night, he ran to the playground.

Sure enough, someone was doing handstands with one hand on the parallel bars.


The person doing the handstand suddenly turned over and sat on the parallel bars with ease.

Shi Chunlan was startled, "Yunbo, are you okay? I have heard about everything this afternoon, and I believe you."

"It's okay."

Her voice sounded the same as usual, Shi Chunlan quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you eaten? I brought you white-faced buns, which my mother just made at night. I didn't want to eat them, so I kept them for you."

"Thank you." Gu Yunbo reached out and took her steamed buns, eating them bite by bite. The sweat on my body has soaked my clothes, and my heart is chilled by the cold autumn wind.

"'re welcome." Shi Chunlan whispered and didn't know what to say. She hadn't known Gu Yunbo for a long time, but she liked her very much, and she felt very comfortable looking at her.

"What? Are you sympathizing with me?"

"No... it's not."

"Then you are afraid of me?"

"Of course not." Shi Chunlan waved her hand quickly, "I believe you don't want to kill at all, I know you are a good person."

"Wrong!" Gu Yunbo finished his last mouthful of buns and choked for a long time before speaking. "At that moment I really wanted to kill her." She tried to let go of the hatred of her previous life, but it was one thing, and it was quite difficult to do it.

Especially when someone uncovers the wound from time to time.

Shi Chunlan was almost crying, "Yunbo, don't scare me, don't say that to yourself."

"You let her speak." The man's angry voice sounded, and Shi Chunlan shook her hand in fright, and quickly hid behind Gu Yunbo.

Ping Qing stood in the dark like a ghost, only a pair of eyes gleaming with anger, which really looked terrifying.

"Who are you? Don't be scary." Shi Chunlan asked boldly without hearing his voice.

"It's Pingqing." Gu Yunbo said quietly.

Now Shi Chunlan was even more frightened, she was not stupid, of course she could think that Ping Qing would definitely avenge her own sister.

"You go back first!" There is no need to implicate Shi Chunlan in the things that you made up.

Shi Chunlan was a little worried, but Gu Yunbo insisted that she could only repeatedly confess to leaving this time.

Ping Qing, who had been standing in the dark, didn't speak for a long time, just staring at her. He heard everything she said to Shi Chunlan just now, and he didn't miss a word.

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