May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 29: A slap in the face

Originally, he had been thinking of excuses for her, thinking that she would have done this because she had missed it, but he didn't expect her to be serious.

"Are you trying to kill my sister? Or do you want to kill our whole family?" Ping Qing asked quietly for a while.

Gu Yunbo jumped off the parallel bars and was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped.

"You are going there? You want to run away if you get into trouble?"

"That's not true." Gu Yunbo looked up at him, "Aren't you here to take me back?"

Ping Qing's eyes were more complicated, and he pursed his lips and asked in his voice, "You haven't answered my question."

"Did your family offend me?" she asked back.

"of course not."

"Then why should I kill? I want to kill your family?" She laughed suddenly and sarcastically said: "No matter how cold-blooded and ruthless I am, Gu Yunbo will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, unless there is a vengeance of life and death." In front of Ping Qing, a pair of cold eyes carried the frost in the autumn night.

"So, please don't forge feuds with me." She said word by word.

Ping Qing believed she was not joking, he could see the seriousness in her eyes. But her words didn't scare him. In fact, he didn't want to come to her to settle accounts, he just wanted to solve the problem.

The girl in front of me is only seventeen years old, still a child!

"It's already night, come home with me first."

"it is good!"

Gu Yunbo was honestly unexpected, she really didn't think about running away.

When the two came back together, the person on the first floor was still not asleep. Hearing the sound of footsteps, someone dressed in clothes came out to look, and found that it was Gu Yunbo who had complicated eyes and closed the door again.

After arriving home, Ping Simin was tired and fell asleep, only Zhu Meihua was still sitting on the chairs in the living room waiting for the two. Seeing Gu Yunbo coming back, he abruptly stood up from the chair and slapped his hand when he raised his hand.

"Pop!" The loud applause seemed to ring on the top of Ping Qing's heart, his eyes narrowed and finally he said nothing.

Gu Yunbo could have avoided this slap, but she didn't move. He almost choked his daughter to death by himself. This slap deserved.

"Gu Yunbo, your mother is such a gentle and kind woman, why are you so vicious?" Zhu Meihua's voice was sharp.

Gu Yunbo's white left face quickly swelled up, and she didn't even move. Hearing Zhu Meihua's question, she thought about it and answered, "Maybe it has something to do with my father? Aunt, you might not know, my mother is a lunatic. Well! I was assaulted by a man when I was crazy, so I gave birth to me."

After speaking, she showed a cold smile, "So, this kind of man is definitely not a good thing."

Zhu Meihua's frightened body staggered and took two steps back before he could stand still.

She only knew that Gu Yunbo was a wild species, and was unclear about the specifics. She didn't expect that she came this way.

The most instigator, her heart was uncontrollably panicked, and the momentum of revenge for her daughter was no longer mentioned.

"I'm sorry, Yunbo, do you hurt? Auntie didn't mean it. Auntie really didn't mean it." Zhu Meihua apologized in a panic, looked at her red and swollen cheeks helplessly, and cried: "I was scared by the way I looked sensitive. When it comes, she is your sister, how can you hurt her like this? She is still a child and will not be malicious to you. I hope you can get along well."

Since Zhu Meihua gave it to the next step, she would not fail to know what is good or bad.

"Sorry auntie, Simin called me a wild species at the time, and called me wanting to **** you, snatching things that don't belong to me, so I couldn't control it." Gu Yunbo sincerely apologized, "I really didn't mean it. I, I'm so angry, please be kicked out of me."

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