May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 30: Borrow from the Meng family

"No, just wait for Simin to calm down and apologize to her." Simin's curse made Zhu Meihua feel even more guilty, as if she was the one who was scolding.

Ping Qing rubbed his eyebrows, saying that he was not surprised at Zhu Meihua's reaction is deceiving.

He knew what his mother was like, and he knew better than anyone else, it was really strange to let Gu Yunbo let go so easily. There is also Simin, she won't know how to make trouble when she wakes up tomorrow!

"Ping Qing, Simin will definitely be angry when he wakes up tomorrow. Otherwise, let Yunbo stay at your comrade-in-arms' house for two days and come back and apologize to her when Simin is relieved?" No one knows her daughter better than her. You can argue the three-point theory even if you don't account for it. Having suffered such a big loss this time, the thoughts of killing Gu Yunbo are all gone. You can't let the two live together at this time. She can only separate the two first, and she will comfort her thinking first before speaking.

"It can only be this way." Ping Qing sighed, actually he had thought of it on the way back again. "I came back with Meng Fan tonight. Their home is big and the two chiefs are not there. Meng Ping is still at the old chief of the Northwest Military Region and hasn't come back. Why don't you go there for a while!"

"Yes." Zhu Meihua didn't even think about it, and agreed, and went straight to help Gu Yunbo pack things up.

Ping Qing and Gu Yunbo who were standing silly were left in the living room.

"Our family doesn't expect you to know the good news, but you will be honest with me in the future. If anything happens that you dare to hurt my family, I will be the first to let you go." He warned severely.

Gu Yunbo nodded solemnly.

Ping Qing stared at her, and the girl in front of her was very complicated, making people confused. But the more impenetrable, the more dangerous. He couldn't help but increased his vigilance, thinking about dragging his comrades to her hometown tomorrow.

What kind of environment can cultivate Gu Yunbo's character? ,

It's almost like a wolf cub.


Zhu Meihua cleaned up quickly, mainly Gu Yunbo collecting things, and the two of them had already appeared at the door of Meng's house in half an hour. It was Sister Fang who opened the door, and when she saw Gu Yunbo, she immediately showed sympathy.

Ping Qing smiled bitterly, this sister Fang thought was different from others.

It must be disgust to be someone else? But this is good, he is relieved. I still don’t want a 17-year-old girl to be rejected by everyone in my own heart.

"Sister Fang, my sister will trouble you these few days." Ping Qing said politely.

"It's okay, I have prepared the guest room."

"Where is Meng Fan? I want to thank him in person, but thanks to his willingness to take in my sister, or I won't be able to find someone for a while."

"You are too far-sighted. When you grew up with Meng Fan, he should help you. You can't let a little girl live in a guest house after talking so late! She is still so young and lives in a guest house. It also makes people worry."

Sister Fang felt even more sympathetic when looking at Gu Yunbo, who looked dumb.

"Meng Fan has fallen asleep. Would you like to come back tomorrow?"

"Okay, then I won't bother." Ping Qing turned his head and confessed to Gu Yunbo: "Thanks to Meng Fan's agreement by living in the chief's house, remember to thank them well, and remember to be polite."

"Got it!" Gu Yunbo answered for a long time.

"I'll take care of Simin, don't think too much, I will pick you up as soon as possible." When it came to picking you up, Ping Qing's expression couldn't help being softened a lot.

He knows his younger sister's character better than anyone else. He would definitely cause a quarrel when he woke up. Yunbo would definitely not be able to end the trouble at home.

"I know."

"Yeah! I'll go now, you go to bed earlier."

"..." Gu Yunbo said nothing, looking at Ping Qing with complicated eyes. Nothing happened in the previous life or today, so she didn't borrow the experience of living in Meng's house. She seemed to have done stupid things accidentally.

Many things that can be controlled are out of control.

"come in!"

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