May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 35: go to school

"Are you going to ride a bicycle to the military academy?" Gu Yunbo followed, and she had nothing to do anyway. After making up her mind, she has a clear goal and a character who will never give up until she reaches her goal.

"Take me with you! I will also go to military academy in the future, so I will be familiar with it in advance." Gu Yunbo tugged at the rear seat and didn't let go. The kind of honest Phoenix bicycle with big bars, watching Meng Fan sit relaxed. , Landing one foot on the ground, it looks very beautiful casually.

Gu Yunbo looked even more reluctant to let go.

"Are you sure you want to serve as a soldier?" He looked away from her, and a very shallow smile appeared on his handsome face.

Gu Yunbo was dazzled, and admired again in his heart that it would be better to be born again.

"Yes! Very sure."

"Then go!"

Meng Fan's promise was too simple, until Gu Yunbo sat in the back seat of his bicycle for more than half an hour before reacting. The sun in late autumn was shining warmly on her body, and when the bicycle passed through the tree smoothly and quickly, one or two fallen leaves occasionally fell, and she couldn't help but reach out and grab it.

Gu Yunbo sat leaning on the back seat of the bicycle, placing his fingers on the waist of the man in front of him, shaking slightly and wanted to hold it, but he didn't dare.

This is Meng Fan!

She offered how brave she was when she wanted to be his object, and she felt fear and self-esteem in her heart. In fact, he is right to disagree, he has never liked himself! He didn't refuse in person because he was well-educated since he was a child and saved himself face!

He is only twenty years old, and it is the time when he is full of spirits. Can you imagine what it will be like when he reaches thirty? I didn't have a chance to see it in my previous life, but I can do it in this life.

She clenched her fist quietly.

Meng Fan, who was riding a bike, shook his head and laughed, and he could clearly feel the girl's inner emotions. To sum up in one sentence, it is fickle. Her thoughts are difficult for people to see through, and they change back and forth.

"Where is this?" The bicycle stopped, and Gu Yunbo jumped from the back seat and looked at the red teaching building in front of him suspiciously. The two-story building is very old, and the exterior is painted with red paint.

"School, if you want to take the college entrance examination, it's useless to review at home by yourself." Meng Fan stopped the car, took the lead in walking, and said as he walked: "Now it's too late to study, why don't you follow? Well?"

Unprepared to be surprised, Gu Yunbo smiled and followed him all the way into the school. The scale inside is small. After a few years of suspension of classes in the middle, it is a little shabby. The whole school has a strong atmosphere of the 70s.

Meng Fan walks in the school, it seems to be a beautiful landscape. Slender and tall, handsome and beautiful, and his eyes are as deep as a cold star.

Gu Yunbo followed him like a poor follower.

"Young commander?" When the two of them came upstairs, it was just after class. The students in the classroom were all walking out, and they happened to meet them head-on. There was a surprise voice from the crowd, followed by excited whispers.

"Is this the young commander? God!"

"The long one is so beautiful."

"That is, let alone the Northern Military Region, even the four major military regions added together cannot find anything better than the young commander."

This school originally belonged to the military region, and most of the people who can come to class early are people with a family background who heard about the college entrance examination next year. Many people have heard of the young commander's name, and now it is conceivable that he has been called out to attract attention.

Gu Yunbo is 1.65 meters tall, and Meng Fan is 1.87 meters tall, just as high as his shoulders. Followed behind Meng Fan like a little daughter-in-law, hearing the girl's whispering comments on the tip of her ears, piercing the villain in her heart.

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