May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 36: Someone backs up

"Young Commander, why are you free to come over?" The familiar voice crossed the crowd and stood in front of the two. Gu Yuehong raised a sweet smile and looked at him with a cold attitude warmly.

"Huh? Is this Yunbo?" Gu Yuehong smiled and said, "Yunbo, are you coming to our school too? I told my brother yesterday that you should come to our school for tuition!"

"Haha..." Can she ignore Gu Yuehong?

Gu Yunbo just thought about it in his heart, but some people have already done so. Meng Fan didn't move his eyebrows from beginning to end, and his handsome face was always indifferent. He crossed the Gu Yuehong crowd and voluntarily gave way to the office.

Gu Yuehong's face was wiped, and a sneer evoked at the corner of her mouth, which directly blocked Gu Yunbo's path.

"Why are you with the young commander?" she asked coldly, the smile on her face no longer maintained.

Gu Yunbo smiled and said affectionately: "Yuehong, we will be classmates soon, are you happy?"

Gu Yuehong gritted her teeth, dying of hatred in her heart, but on the surface she still has to smile, and smile politely. The image she has always portrayed must not be destroyed by Gu Yunbo.

"Of course, I know that we are very fate, and by the way, my brother and you are also very fate." At the end of the speech, she couldn't help poking her mouth proudly. I thought that yesterday’s thing happened, Gu Yunbo was going to turn into a mouse crossing the street kneeling on the ground begging for her help. Unexpectedly, in just one short night, she climbed a higher branch.

With Meng Fan's support, no one dared to move her.

"Gu Sinian? This name is very unfamiliar. I have never heard of it." She tilted her head and thought for a long time, and then she was helpless.

Gu Yuehong didn't come up in one breath, almost to death. I really underestimated her, but dare to say that I don't know her brother, it's just looking for death.

Now she couldn't help but look forward to it. If she offended her brother, it would be terrible.

Meng Fan had already walked more than ten meters away before, but Gu Yunbo hadn't kept up, stopped and urged impatiently, "Not leaving yet?" The voice was cold and sweet, with unquestionable strength.

"Here!" Gu Yunbo waved his hands to everyone, "See you next time, classmates!"

The many onlookers looked at her incredible, and looked at Gu Yuehong, who had a distorted face, and began to sympathize with this classmate. Offended Yue Hong, she would be miserable.

Meng Fanshu came to the principal's office in a familiar way, opened the door and placed three tables inside. An old man with gray hair stood up in surprise when he saw him come in.

"Meng Fan, why are you free to come over?"

"Mr. Guo, I brought a friend to ask you for help." He greeted the people in a humble manner, motioned to Gu Yunbo behind him, and said, "You give her the exam and see if you can come to the school to review."

"Next year?" The old man suddenly showed a look of ecstasy, shaking his whole body, "Is there really news coming out?"

Meng Fan didn't answer, but just nodded, but this was enough to make the old man happy. They also heard some specious rumors, but it is difficult to determine whether the level is not enough.

Now that Meng Fan brings friends, it must be possible.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

"Hello teacher." Gu Yunbo took the initiative to say hello.

"Then I will leave the person to you, and I will be responsible for the follow-up." After Meng Fan finished speaking, he nodded to Gu Yunbo and left directly.

She wanted to chase out, but was stopped by the old man, "Oh! Little girl, don't go, Meng Fan is very busy, but there is no time to wait here."

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