May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 38: Already pretty

When Gu Yunbo came out of school, Meng Fan had already left. She didn't go back alone but wandered around the street. See if you can find a job and do odd jobs.

The penniless days are too difficult! Back in the United States, she could still go to see the casino to be a thug and make some quick money, but now it's fine, and she didn't find any job after turning around.

Hungry at noon, she took out the only one yuan she had left, and bought two steamed stuffed buns at the state-run restaurant for 50 cents and squatted on the roadside to eat. The girl was thin, and she was wearing thin clothes. It looked pitiful from a distance.

Gu Yunbo thought about how to make money while eating, and asked the aunt who was selling steamed buns, "Auntie, do you want to clean the dishes here?"

"No, no." Cut, still wanting to grab work with them, no way.

"Oh!" Gu Yunbo was not disappointed, and continued to lower his head to eat steamed buns, and soon he ate a meat bun. When I was about to eat the second time, I stretched out a hand, was grabbed by her backhand, and threw it over the shoulder.

However, the opponent reacted quickly and stood firm easily when he fell to the ground.

"Sure enough, it opens its teeth and dances its claws," Gu Sinian said.

Gu Yunbo glanced at him coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"Eat this at noon?" Gu Sinian squatted down beside her, a head taller than her. He rubbed her hair smoothly, and was pushed away by Gu Yunbo disgustingly.

"Warn you to stay away from me, or it will make you look good."

"I'm pretty good-looking!"

Gu Yunbo gave him a white look, "The face is so big, who gave you the courage?"

"Isn't self-confidence inherent in a man?"

"This is arrogance, not self-confidence."

Gu Sinian said with a faint smile: "In your eyes, is Meng Fan the only one who looks good? He is confident?"

Gu Yunbo ignored him and continued to eat the meat buns in his hands. I haven't eaten such a delicious steamed bun after being born again! The stuffing is thin and the filling is very satisfying.

It was only in the 1970s that we could buy such big and affordable buns.

"Why don't you answer?" Gu Sinian suddenly pinched her chin and forced her to look at herself.

"Does this need to be said? Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Haha... I found a backer, I really got bolder." After he went back last night, he heard about what happened in the military department. A boldly dressed, white and thin girl mentioned it in front of everyone. I want to be Meng Fan's object.

Although Meng Fan did not answer, it was enough for the big guys to talk about it.

He knew who it was when he heard it, very good! This girl was really bold, and it was beyond his expectation.

"I heard you don't know me?" He sneered.

Gu Yunbo broke free from his hand and got all the oil from the bun on his hand.

Gu Sinian immediately showed an expression of disgust.

"Your sister really likes to file complaints, let me just say it! It really isn't that a family doesn't enter a family, and there is no good thing." My sister knows what kind of person she is embarrassed to come to her.

Gu Sinian heard her implication and said paradoxically: "My sister knows who I am."

"But who I am, you may not know." She finished the last bite of the steamed buns, and while Gu Sinian didn't care about secretly rubbing the oil on his hands on his clothes, she stood up and ran. The figure is agile and fast like a rabbit, and soon there will be no figures.

"Young Master?" The big man who had been paying attention to this side hurried over and was taken aback by Gu Sinian's green expression. "I'll go after it!"

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