May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Su Yun is back

"No need." Gu Sinian refused. He was obviously still a teenager under twenty, his expression already showing cold and paranoid. "With Meng Fan supporting her, she really can't move casually."

Listening to the tone, it seems very lost.

It's different overnight, this girl is really capable. Why did it fall into Meng Fan's eyes? My sister has been chasing for so many years, and can't even get a word.

"Do you want to change your clothes now?" the big man asked.

"No need." Although he was very disgusted, Gu Sinian was not as angry as the big man worried. He is the heir of the Gu family, and his personality has been uncertain since he was a child.

The Gu family is different from the others. The members of the family have to fight for the future, only the heir does not. What the heir has to do is to control a huge family.

Gu Yunbo found a few places in the afternoon and returned disappointed. She is really not for business, and there is no reform and opening up. There are too few job opportunities. The only ones are state-owned, and they can't enter without caring.

When I returned to Meng's house at night, I unexpectedly saw a woman sitting in the living room reading a newspaper. Putting on the military uniform of a lieutenant colonel, his black hair was rolled up and clean.

Very young, it seems that he is less than forty years old.

Su Yun.

Gu Yunbo recognized it at a glance, and she was still as she remembered, but her mentality would never be the same as in her previous life. Entering the door, a trace of disdain flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

For those who abandon their husbands and women, she rejects them from the heart. At the same time, it is also worthless for Sheng Ning. She is enjoying the glory of the chief's wife, and when she is pleased with the two stepsons, has she ever felt sorry for her abandoned daughter?

Su Yunliu's eyebrows were erect, and she looked at the girl in front of her not happy.

"Who is she? How to let a stranger come to my house?" Su Yun asked harshly.

Sister Fang quickly replied, "This is Gu Yunbo, Battalion Commander Ping..."

Before Sister Fang finished speaking, Su Yun interrupted sharply, "Sister Fang, how can you let a murderer come to our house? You are too negligent and must write a review."

"Head, it's not me."

"Get out, get out immediately, a white-eyed wolf can't be offended by our family." When she came back, she had already heard that Ping Guofei's adopted daughter almost strangled her own girl. At that time, she didn't believe it very much, but now she immediately believes it when seeing Du Ren.

The girl in front of her doesn't have bad eyesight and has a bad attitude, which makes her dislike it from the bottom of her heart.

"But Meng Fan has agreed." Sister Fang said embarrassedly. The group leader wanted to chase people, and she would not dare to chase people without Meng Fan's consent. Who doesn't know that Meng Fan is in charge of this price, and then the chief, followed by the regiment.

"What?" Su Yun's voice became sharper, and she looked at Gu Yunbo defensively, as if she was looking at a rival in love. "You said Meng Fan agreed? Impossible."

Gu Yunbo sighed and counted carefully, and found that he had quite a lot of enemies.

Embarrassed on all sides!

"I'll move away right away." She nodded to Sister Fang, "I'll go upstairs to pack things up." After speaking, she walked upstairs without looking at Su Yun.

Those who are familiar with the road are as natural as coming to their own home.

"Too bad manners, sure enough..."

"Don't talk about the group leader." Sister Fang hurriedly persuaded: "If you are like this, Meng Fan will be angry if he doesn't see anyone when he comes back."

Su Yun sat down on the sofa, a little worried, "No? I'm also doing this for Meng Fan's good. I can't put such a dangerous girl in our house."

"Definitely." Sister Fang said firmly.

"Then what to do?" Su Yun knew better than anyone else in her heart, that her wife's position in her husband's heart would definitely be inferior to her stepson.

The stepmother is not easy to be, for so many years she has been careful to treat the two stepsons. Although the two stepsons did not kiss her, they were both face-saving and polite.

But these courtesy are based on not crossing the bottom line.

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