May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 40: I have a spare house

"Yunbo went out with Meng Fan this morning. When have you seen Meng Fan take a girl out for so many years?"

Su Yun shook her head, "Not once." She was even more worried about this. The most satisfied daughter-in-law in my mind is Oulan. She is smart and beautiful not only for dancing, but also for her family background. The most important thing is to respect her elders with politeness.

Such a good daughter-in-law, she doesn't want to miss it.

While the two were talking, Meng Fan came back and saw Su Yun's eyes moving slightly.

"Are you back?" Su Yun greeted enthusiastically, "Are you tired? How many days will you stay at home this time? I bought new clothes for you, and heard your dad say that you came back and sent it to you specially."

Meng Fan nodded to Su Yun and glanced at Sister Fang. The latter replied immediately, "Yunbo has returned, packing up his things upstairs."

"Yeah!" Meng Fan nodded and said to Su Yun: "Auntie, since she is a relative, let her live in peace of mind, it's nothing."

Su Yun hesitated, feeling unwilling, but she could only bear it down. "Then?? Okay!" There are such relatives in their family, and everyone really wants to climb relatives.

"I'll go up and take a look." Meng Fan went straight upstairs, stood at the door of the guest room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Gu Yunbo was busy packing things inside, and he shouted directly when he heard the knock on the door. He thought it would be Sister Fang who would come in, but Meng Fan unexpectedly.

"Are you back?" She put her hand behind her back and looked at him in surprise.

"Huh!" Meng Fan walked in and sat down on the chair in the guest room, looking at her with calm eyes.

Gu Yunbo became nervous for no reason, "What's wrong? Is there gray on my face?" She always couldn't guess what he was thinking.

Meng Fan shook his head, "Are you going to move?"

"Yes!" She didn't like seeing Su Yun, and didn't want to live with her under the same roof.

"Because of my stepmother?" He looked at her with a strange look, showing a thoughtful look. It seems to be distressed about this problem, thinking about how to solve it.

"Humph!" Gu Yunbo snorted coldly. "She doesn't like me. It's normal if she doesn't like me." In fact, she wants to say that Su Yun has white swan and Hailan and anyone else he likes? She can't afford a woman who can abandon her own daughter.

However, she could go and beat the teenage Hailan to avenge Shengning.

Meng Fan thought for a while, "I have a house in the family's compound next door. Where can you use it? It's close to Uncle Ping for easy care."

Gu Yunbo was overjoyed, "Really? Do you have a spare house?"

"Yeah! The troops arranged it."

Gu Yunbo remembered that he was already a company commander when he was only twenty, and he was also the most powerful investigating company commander in the field corps. Units of this level will be divided into houses, and the military district compound cannot live in them, but the family house definitely can. In the future, what I want to go to as a soldier is the field corps, and at that time he is his own chief.

"Thank you, I will repay you in the future." She had planned to return to the Ping family and was ridiculed by others to fight Ping Simin to the end. Now I don’t have to send someone under the fence, and I don’t have to be the first head of others everywhere.

"How are you going to repay me?" He stood up suddenly, his tall body bringing a strong sense of oppression. From Gu Yunbo's perspective, he can clearly see his perfect figure wrapped in his clothes. With wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, every movement contains powerful strength.

She licked her lips subconsciously, thinking about how much she had to exercise to defeat him and crush her under her body.


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