May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 42: Dare you say

Ping Qing gave a satisfied smile, sat down opposite her, looked at her with piercing eyes, "Yes! Although he and I grew up together, we never put on airs. But we are still not a world person, so do you understand me?"

"I understand." She ate slowly, knowing Ping Qing's warning clearly in her heart.

His bold remarks in the military department must have made him unhappy.

"Don't be angry, I also said this to Simin, since you are my sister, I am the elder brother who is responsible for you." His peach eyes were shining in the light.

"Not angry."

"That's good! By the way, my dad is back, he won't come here too late today, you go home for dinner tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" There is no way to escape. Gu Yunbo nodded after eating and got up to the kitchen, washed the dishes, packed the cloth bags brought by Ping Qing and handed them to him, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, it's all a family." Ping Qing reached out and rubbed her hair, "Go to bed early! The family home is safe and don't worry. Just call me if you have anything, I can hear it."

After he finished speaking, he pointed his finger at his room, then pointed at the location of his home. The Ping family is in one building, and Meng Fan's house is in the second. The room she now lives in is the same as the room she used to live in the Ping family.

Gu Yunbo's fair face was slightly red, not sure if it was because he lived in Ping Qing's room or because Ping Qing lived in her room. Or maybe because of the term family.

She has never regarded the Ping family as a family.


The next day, Gu Yunbo got up early to exercise and happened to meet Ping Guofei in the playground. After the two ran together for ten laps, they walked casually in the small playground. The lack of professional training facilities here made Gu Yunbo a little bit unhappy.

"Yunbo, I have heard about you and Simin."

"Sorry Uncle Ping."

"Since I'm sorry, then this matter is over. You shouldn't be impulsive, and Simin shouldn't deliberately provoke you." His heart was like Ming Jing, and Gu Yunbo was not caused by Simin.

"Simin is too ignorant, and your temper is arrogant. You can stay away from her in the future!"

"Yeah!" She didn't want to take care of her.

"I heard that the young commander found a school for you to review for next year's college entrance examination?" In Ping Guofei's mind, the quarrels between girls are all trivial matters. If his daughter was not in trouble, he would not ask for leave to come back!


"Don't you want to participate?"

Ping Guofei's words made Gu Yunbo look up in surprise. She really underestimated Ping Guofei, no wonder her mother liked it. There are indeed two brushes, which seem to be honest and silent, but I did not expect such a good observation ability.

"It's still a year!" She didn't want to wait anymore, she wanted to be independent sooner.

"It is a good thing to take the college entrance examination and enter a good military academy. No one can ask for it."

"Yeah!" She also knew she could not rush.

When I returned to Ping’s for breakfast after exercise, Ping Simin was already sitting at the dinner table with red eyes. Seeing Gu Yunbo coming in and staring at her bitterly, he wanted to take a bite. When he came to his mouth to curse, Ping Guofei swallowed it under warning in his eyes.

"Yunbo, wash your hands and eat!"

"Thank you Auntie!"

"No!" Ping Simin jumped up, "I can't just forget it."

All eyes were turned towards Ping Simin, and she sat down again, her voice was much lower than before. "Then you must at least sincerely apologize to me and write a ten thousand words review."

Ten thousand words review?

She can really say it.

Gu Yunbo wanted to go back, but at the request of Ping Qing's eyes, he had to shut up.

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