May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Don't hand in homework

"Sorry, I was wrong about the previous thing, please forgive me."

"Voice louder." Ping Simin sneered triumphantly, refusing to look at his family's warning eyes.

"I'm sorry." Gu Yunbo immediately sat down at the breakfast table after speaking, before waiting for Ping Simin's next words, he gave a straightforward warning, "You are better than enough!"

"Okay! Stop arguing, let's eat!" Zhu Meihua stopped.

"If anyone dares to make any noise, get out of here." Ping Guofei's power of anger still ceases to be great, if he hadn't come back in person, I don't know how much Ping Simin would make trouble.

And he had already persuaded him last night. Since he knows that Gu Yunbo is dangerous, this kind of person cannot be forced too hard. From the moment you take her home, you must be treated as a family, otherwise you can only take your enemies back.

"Huh! It's cheaper for you."

"Okay, let's eat! Dad and I will rush back to the army after dinner!" Ping Qing said calmly, "You two should also go to school for tuition. The college entrance examination is related to your life's future. other people."

Ping Simin is most willing to listen to what Ping Qing said, and she didn't want to lose the college entrance examination, let alone lose to Gu Yunbo.


One autumn rain and one cold, soon the first heavy snowfall began in the north. The feather-like snow fluttered all night, and the world turned pure white. On the way to school, you could see children **** in thick cotton jackets.

It has been more than half a year since Gu Yunbo was born again. She has never seen Meng Fan since she moved out of Meng's house last time. Ping Qing wrote back and heard that they were very busy. During the period, they had a border investigation mission. There were two people in the field. Everyone came back.

Except Meng Fan.

For a person who can't get tanned even if he sleeps in the air, it really makes the old man jealous.

She put a smile on her lips and stepped on the class bell into the classroom. Teacher Guo, who was already holding a book and preparing to go to class, saw her coming and his nose was irritated.

"Gu Yunbo."

"Here!" Putting down the army green schoolbag, Gu Yunbo stood up quickly.

"Where's your homework? What about your homework?" Mr. Guo asked twice in a row about being furious. He knew this girl was a thorn, but he didn't expect it to be so excessive.

Humph! I haven't handed in my homework for two full months.

"Teacher, I am too busy to do my homework." Gu Yunbo opened his **** and white eyes and his face was innocent.

There was a huge burst of laughter in the classroom with a total of twenty people, "Hahaha??"

"Gu Yunbo, go home! Don't be ashamed here."

"Yes! Will you be able to?"

"Did you come to study?"

"Yes! What do you think of your teacher?"

Obviously, everyone usually sees Gu Yunbo's performance. Most girls don't like her, and students who are dedicated to preparing for the college entrance examination are far away from her.

On the contrary, the thorns who were forced to be sent by their parents had a good relationship with her, so they called the eldest sister.

"Shut up to Lao Tzu, dare to say that to my sister Bo, believe it or not I will kill you?" A tall boy with thick sword eyebrows roared fiercely, and the whole class immediately shut up and became scared. Ya Que is silent, more useful than the teacher's roar.

Gu Yunbo gave the boy a look that really went to the road, and the boy who was still very fierce immediately showed a cute smile.

Teacher Guo angrily threw the book in his hand and shouted at Gu Yunbo: "You come to the office with me."

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