May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 46: Living Hades

The letters that the reconnaissance company receives every day fly in like snow flakes, and it is estimated that they have kept up with the number of pieces received by the previous army. Everyone was pretty strange at first, but later on, it's no surprise to see more. Anyway, the company commander didn't look at it, and he threw it into a cardboard box when he received it.

The veteran Yuzi glanced pity at the person who had just spoken. He was so fearless that anyone who didn't know would dare to die in front of the Living Hades.

The tall and indifferent man stood erect and said, "Everyone is carrying a weight of 50 kilometers off-road, and they are not allowed to eat." The voice is steady and thick, with a coldness that cannot be rejected.

Suddenly weeping everywhere, they didn't speak! Why should we be together.

"Stand at attention, all of them, execute orders."

"Yes!" No one dared to have an opinion, and more than two hundred people hurried out. He was wearing a thin military uniform without a padded jacket, and disappeared like a gust of wind.

Not far away, Meng Fan smiled when she saw the scene here.

"Company commander your letter." Zhao Shuisheng raised the letter in his hand, "Do you want to read it?"

Meng Fan took it and glanced across it, and it was actually written by Teacher Guo, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Zhao Shuisheng looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to open the letter. Meng Fan's fingers holding the letter were slender and beautiful, with neatly trimmed nails. He looked up at Zhao Shuisheng and raised his brow slightly.

"Why are you standing stupidly?"


Meng Fan kicked over, "Did you hear what the deputy company commander said?"

Zhao Shuisheng was kicked and ran away again. He was deceived by the company commander's face again, forgetting that he was the number one tyrant of the reconnaissance company. Good face, white face, dark heart.

Meng Fan stepped on the snow on the ground and walked to the office. He opened the letter as he walked. After reading the letter from Teacher Guo in a glance, he finally couldn't help but laugh. He seldom laughs, and his handsome face seems to shine when he smiles, adding a touch of spring to the cold winter.

The soldiers passing by looked silly, walking with their feet together, and one slipped and fell.

"Don't laugh." Yin Cece's voice sounded from behind.

Meng Fan turned his head, put his right hand on the opponent's shoulder, and smiled serious. "Living Hades..."

"Company commander." Xu Qigang gave him a warning look. The young face was full of vigor, but not public. His nickname came from the company commander, and he took the lead in shouting. After being a soldier for so long, the last thing I regret is to let the company commander know his nickname in his hometown.

"Okay." Meng Fan changed his temper and said with a clear cough: "Deputy company commander, I found a very interesting person."


"Ahem..." Meng Fan coughed a little bit this time. Xu Qigang looked at him sympathetically, "If the company commander is in poor health, wear more clothes. No one will laugh at you."

The two are about the same height, but Xu Qigang's figure is obviously stronger than Meng Fan when standing together. In fact, Xu Qigang knew that Meng Fan was looking thin, his undressed figure had a well-proportioned muscle and full of explosive power. Currently no one in the army can surpass him in field operations.

This is also the advantage of a military family. As the heir to the Meng family, he was destined to take the road from the moment he was born. He had to learn to play guns since he could walk, and was thrown into the army training before he went to school.

After going to school, he began to follow the old chief in and out of the major headquarters. The accumulated experience for so many years has opened up more horizons than those who have served in the army for decades. This is why Meng Fan was able to become a company commander at the age of twenty.

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