May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 47: I have something

"Look, you are all sick. You will go home to recuperate during the Chinese New Year, and I will stay on duty." If Xu Qigang said that in previous years, Meng Fan would have to go to the small playground with him, but this time he just said, People nodded seriously.

"You are right, I want to go home to recover."


"Come to my house this year for the New Year!" Meng Fan folded the letter in his hand, with a serious expression, "You should also know more people to lay the foundation for the future."

Xu Qigang shook his head indifferently, "I just want to be a qualified soldier, different from you."

"That's not necessarily, what if I wasn't there that day?"

Before he finished speaking, he received a sharp look from Xu Qigang, "Don't say such things in the future." He was really a little angry, "Dare to say it again, I will beat you up again."

"Do you dare?" No one in the entire field corps dared to beat him.

"Who wrote the letter? It made you laugh like a fool?" Xu Qigang turned the subject.

When the two were talking, they just walked to the office. The instructor was writing a report and showed a strange expression when he heard Xu Qigang's words. Deputy company commander, you really dare to say, just because of the company commander's looks, I don't know how good it looks when I laugh! On the battlefield, it is as powerful as an atomic bomb.

You actually said you look like a fool, is there such a good-looking fool?

"A teacher, I had one thing left in him, but I didn't take care of it, so I wrote to scold me."

"One thing? Didn't take care of it?" Xu Qigang asked suspiciously, "Do you have other military dogs?"

Meng Fan raised a military dog ​​named Qiongqi. Unusually fierce, with the blood of the Tibetan Mastiff, he is also a hegemon in the army, even higher-profile than his master. He is very picky about what he eats. Except for Meng Fan and the specialized breeders, no one feeds anything.

"Military dog?" Meng Fan shook his head, "cute than Qiongqi."

"That's true, the pigs fed by the cooking class are cuter than Qiongqi." Instructor Zhang Yong said: "Qongqi's dog stuff is more annoying than your brother."

Zhang Yong also came from a military family and had known Meng Fan since he was a child. He was particularly speechless for his younger brother who was a few years younger. It happened that Meng Fan still spoiled his younger brother so much, otherwise he would have caught him and beaten him.

Zhang Yong's words made Meng Fan smile again.

"Don't laugh anymore." Xu Qigang said in disgust.

"Okay!" Meng Fan nodded. He didn't like to laugh at all. He was just amused by someone in Teacher Guo's letter. She can really say that she has never seen such a courageous little girl.


The New Year’s Eve is approaching, and the supply and marketing cooperative has begun to sell New Year pictures and red paper. Most of the couplets in the 1970s were bought on red paper to go home and write them on their own. Those who couldn't write could find neighbors or teachers they knew. The handwriting is very beautiful.

After school, Gu Yunbo walked out of school with his schoolbag on his back. At a glance, he saw Ping Simin, who was wearing a big red padded jacket, standing with Gu Yuehong, looking around waiting for someone.

She wanted to go out, and went to the toilet next to her.

"Woo..." Gao Jinglin yelled, almost letting go of his hands carrying his pants.

"Why?" Gu Yunbo gave him a blank look, "All this fuss."

"Sister Bo, am I making a fuss?" Gao Jinglin pointed to himself, and the trousers that hadn't been tied almost fell off, and he hurriedly fastened the belt. "Sister Bo, if you come in one minute early, you will see my brother, my big brother."

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