May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Explain clearly

"Who looks down on people?"

"It's clear that someone is innocent, so why don't people say it?"

Gao Jinglin was entangled by a group of girls and couldn't beat the women. His sword eyebrows were erect. Gu Yunbo didn't bother to take care of these people. Just as he squeezed out the crowd to find a place to sit down, he was blocked by Gu Sinian.

"A good dog doesn't stand in the way, get out of the way." She has an antagonism with the Gu family, thinking about finding fault every day.

"Is it true?" Gu Sinian grabbed her wrist with great strength, wishing to crush her wrist. "Come with me." He grabbed the person and walked to the back door. After leaving the door was a small garden, Gu Yunbo shivered as a cold wind blew him.

"Let go, I won't be polite if I don't let go." No one happened to be behind, would she take the opportunity to beat this kid?

"Is it true? You like that idiot Gao Jinglin?" Gu Sinian stood in the snow, looking at her with gloomy eyes. The handsome face is full of evil spirits, and the young man who has just been twenty years old can already see the domineering power of the future.

Gu Yunbo was unhappy when he heard that, Gao Jinglin was her little brother anyway, not only enthusiastic and honest, but also responsible and responsible, how could she be an idiot? "Who are you talking about? Who is an idiot? You try one more sentence?"

"You must answer me today, or don't blame me for being impolite." After he finished speaking, he suddenly lowered his head, and his slightly pale lips stopped on Gu Yunbo's earlobe. As long as he opened his mouth, he could bite her fiercely.

"I know you are good at hitting, but before you do it, weigh it carefully." The heat that came out of her speech brushed her white and delicate earlobes, alternating hot and cold, making people shiver unconsciously.

If Gu Sinian looked down on her like everyone else, then she definitely didn't want to throw him to the ground with a shoulder fall. But he saw it unexpectedly, proving that Gu Sinian did have two brushes.

Then she really has to weigh, this kind of person can't afford to offend for the time being.

"No!" Gu Yunbo bit her lip and moved unnaturally. Gu Sinian's soft lips accidentally rubbed off her delicate earlobes. She froze for a moment, and then tried to stay calm and pretended not to know.

The man who had just been so fierce and gloomy was suddenly startled, and his handsome face under the snowy night was blushing. Without knowing when the hand holding her wrist let go, a pair of deep eyes looked at her dreamily.

"Gao Jinglin and I are classmates and buddies, not what Ping Simin said. Don't think about it."


"I'll explain to you! Did you hear that?"

Gu Sinian suddenly returned to his senses. In order to conceal his helplessness, he turned around embarrassedly and said in a panic: "I know, I know!"

"Just know it, don't believe it in the future."

"Okay!" He turned around again and grabbed her hand to warn: "Remember your identity, and don't make gangsters everywhere in the future."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Gu Yunbo asked in shock. "Why are you thinking about it? Who am I to tell you? What qualifications do you have to control me? Who are you?"

"I..." Gu Sinian was speechless, yeah! Who is he, who has the right to control her? He was really confused.

The temperature outside at night was at least a dozen degrees below zero. Gu Yunbo took off his quilted jacket just after entering, and only wore a sweater. Now he was frozen and couldn't stand it, so he left Gu Sinian's hand and left.

The complex-looking young man stood in the snow, staring straight at her back, his red sweater glamorous.

Today is not only Gu Yuehong's birthday, but also Gu's fourth year's birthday. The two are one year apart in age. Coincidentally, the birthdays are the same, the twelfth lunar month.

Today’s birthday party is mainly for the heirs. Every parent attaches great importance to his 20th birthday. Otherwise, relying on Gu Yuehong's status in the family, he would not enjoy such a good treatment, and there would not be so many relatives and friends to come to congratulate him.

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