May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 53: Return of Meng Fan

After night fell, a military off-road vehicle drove past the gate of the new compound. The little soldier who was standing guard saw the familiar license plate let go early, but the car did not get in, instead, it headed towards the family courtyard on the side.

The little soldier looked surprised. The soldiers in the duty room also saw it, and curiously said: "This was the young commander's car just now?" Yesterday the chief came back, and he heard that the young commander was going home. It shouldn't be wrong.

"Yes, it's the young commander's car."

"Why didn't that come in?"

"I do not know!"

When the soldiers were curious, the off-road vehicle had already parked at the gate of the family home. Meng Fan got out of the car, carried his things and walked straight to the second building, standing downstairs and looking up, only to find that there was no light in the room.

The aunt who lives on the first floor just opened the door to change the briquettes, so that he enthusiastically said, "Comrade, you are here to find Gu Yunbo, right?"

"Yes! Isn't she at home?"

"I went out to play with the subject. This girl is too crazy and often stays out at night. Really, I don't know how to pay attention."

The smile on Meng Fan's lips gradually solidified.

After changing the briquettes, the aunt took the stove home and didn't forget to turn back and confess, "Comrade, you should go back! It's cold outside, and the crazy girl won't be back. She was picked up this afternoon."

"Okay, thank you!" Meng Fan nodded, standing still but didn't move. Suddenly I felt as if something was stuck in my chest, something I had never felt before.


The Gu family's birthday party didn't end until nine o'clock. Gu Yuehong pulled Gu Yunbo not to leave, and Ping Simin persuaded him.

"It's too late, it's so cold outside, why not live in my house!" Tonight, she prepared a lot of'accidents' and'surprises' for Gu Yunbo. As a result, her brother didn't know what was going on. No, you can't let Gu Yunbo just leave, otherwise, wouldn't her Gu Yuehong become a fool?

"Farewell, I can't afford to lose weight." Gu Yun** started Gu Yuehong about to leave, but was stopped by Ping Simin.

"Gu Yunbo, don't know good or bad, really take yourself seriously." Ping Simin proudly raised his chin with his hands on his hips, "I have never seen you like this. I have already said that you are ungrateful and avenge you, and Yue Hong still doesn't believe it. "The opportunity to live in such a beautiful western-style building like Gu's is a good opportunity. No one can ask for it. She doesn't know what is good or bad.

"Sim, don't be angry. Even if Yunbo is rude if it's okay, I won't care." Gu Yuehong was doing peace affairs in the middle, but every word was vicious.

"Yuehong, you are so kind, she only bullies you only when you speak well."

Gu Yunbo looked at the two of them like this, it was a bit spicy. She remembered that Ping Simin and her classmates didn't come back too late on their birthdays in the previous life. As a result, they drank too much alcohol and were ruined by others. At that time, Pingjia had already been tossed by her toss and couldn't help her.

Looking at the scene tonight, Gu Yuehong may have calculated it in the previous life. She knew that when she met her for the first time, wearing a cloak of kindness, she was actually full of bad water. If Gu Yuehong only calculated others because of the gains and losses, she was all about satisfying her own bad taste.

For no reason.

I feel uncomfortable if I don't kill people.

She left tonight, maybe Gu Yuehong could make Ping Simin on top.

"Yunbo, do you want to stay with me at night?" Gu Yuehong felt uncomfortable with the look in Gu Yunbo's eyes, and took the initiative to say: "It's so cold outside, I'm worried about you going back alone. Go back tomorrow, right?"

"Are you going back?" Gu Yunbo asked Ping Simin, enduring the disgust in his heart.

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