May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 54: Pity someone is stupid

"Of course I live with Yuehong. Who is like you? I don't know how to promote." Ping Simin took Gu Yuehong's arm and snorted coldly at her.

Gao Jinglin waited for her at the door for a long time and couldn't come out. He ran in to see that she was still entangled in the door! Impatiently urged: "Don't leave yet? Why are you doing this one by one?"

"You go back first!"

"Why? Sister Bo, don't you hate Gu Yuehong? Why live in Gu's house? Are you afraid of being assassinated at night?"

The birthday banquet was over when Gao Jinglin spoke, and Gu's aunt was busy restoring the living room to its original state. Gu Yuehong's mother was sitting on the sofa watching a chat, and her face immediately became cold when she heard Gao Jinglin's words.

Cold eyes fell on Gu Yunbo, with picky and disdain. What kind of friend did the girl make? It's rude.

"..." This bear boy, can't talk about turning?

"Yuehong, if your friend wants to leave, let her go quickly. It will save you from delaying other people's business. We are not doing it well." Gu Yuehong's mother is Fu Shuzhen. The senior official's wife herself works in the Municipal Women's Federation. Protect short.

"Are you going?" Gu Yunbo asked Ping Simin again before leaving.

"I won't go, I'm not like you don't know good or bad."

"Then you keep it for yourself." Without giving Gu Yuehong a chance to stay, she turned and left with Gao Jinglin.

The two of them rode their bicycles all the way to the family's courtyard. Gao Jinglin stepped on them so fast that he didn't feel cold. Gu Yunbo sat behind and was blushing with cold breeze.

"You ride slowly."

"Hurry up and go home to sleep. Of course you have to hurry up." Gao Jinglin stepped on faster and faster. Although it was dark, it was bright because of the white snow on the ground and the moon in the sky. The road was clearly illuminated.

"Sister Bo, I tell you that Gu Yuehong is not a good thing, so don't be fooled by her."

"Do you think I'm so stupid?"

"That's good." Gao Jinglin smiled, don't look at his careless and brave appearance, in fact, there are a few really stupid people out of the compound. "My sister Bo is certainly not stupid."

"It's a pity that someone is stupid," she said softly.

The two of them crossed a small road, and the family compound was close at hand. Gu Yunbo jumped out of the car and said, "Remember what I want."

"Don't worry!" Gao Jinglin scratched his head and rode his bicycle to his home.

Gu Yunbo was afraid of the cold, so she shrank and rushed towards the courtyard. The sense of danger that was overwhelming her before she reached the door of the house made her whole body explode. When her body was about to rush into the shadows, she stopped urgently, because the momentum was too strong. , His body couldn't control it, and turned a somersault back and stopped in an embarrassing manner.

Together, her two lives have never encountered such a strong and dangerous atmosphere.

She squatted on the ground with full guard, and was hit on the head by a snow group. When the wind broke, she wanted to avoid it, but was hit by the snow group.

Gu Yunbo had a layer of goose bumps on his body, and he secretly regretted his mistake. She is not the opponent of the other party, and she is undoubtedly dead. It is because of her previous life experience and her own skill that she is too confident.

It would be better to stay in Gu's house if I knew it!

"Papa." Another snow ball smashed in. Her body escaped the snow ball with incredible softness, but she never found out who was hiding in the dark.

"Here." A cold voice sounded, and the tall figure instantly enveloped the top of her head, and her white and slender fingers held a hundred-yuan bill in front of her.

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