May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 58: Ping Simin's accident

Because of the hidden dangers the night before, Gu Yunbo changed the exercise time from night to morning. I got up before dawn the next day to exercise, and didn't come back until the rising sun.

I took a quick shower and heard the noise of the building behind before I left the house. Ping Simin's hysterical cry was accompanied by Zhu Meihua's yelling at Sang Shuhuai.

Gu Yunbo probably had a bottom in his heart, and things from his previous life still happened.

She was extremely disgusted and walked towards one building in furry clothes. Before she even approached, she saw Ping Qing's forbearance expression and the squeaking movements of the people around her.

"God **** it, it's **** damn good." Zhu Meihua sat down on the ground with Ping Simin, who was cluttered and cluttered in her arms, crying and applauding not miserable.

Ping Simin's entire expression collapsed, tears on his face everywhere. Seeing Gu Yunbo coming, he stood up suddenly as if being electrocuted, and pointed his finger at her.

"It's her, it's this **** who deliberately harmed me, it's her, it's her..." Her eyes were like cold poisonous snakes, and many of them couldn't bite off Gu Yunbo's flesh.

She knew it. Gu Yunbo must know Gu Yuehong's calculations, so she had to come back at night no matter what. This vicious **** knew everything, but he threw himself down. She was deliberate, she must be deliberate. She wanted to kill herself, take her brother, her parents.

She is uneasy and kind, she is the cause of everything, and everything is hers. If it weren't for Gu Yunbo, he could only stay at Gu's house, how could he continue to drink with others, and how could he be kept in the storage room as indecent?

No more, she has nothing.

Ping Simin thought of everything last night, her eyes shrank madly, holding her body in pain. The hair was messy and bleeding from the lips. The cruel man last night cruelly tortured her, insulted her, and the tearing pain that pressed her under her body was still so obvious.

The neighbors looked at Gu Yunbo one after another.

Zhu Meihua, who was crying, looked at Gu Yunbo with bitter eyes, and said viciously: "You voice star, why don't you die? Why don't you die?"

"She deserves it!" The simple and ruthless three words seemed to be hot oil falling into the boiling water, bubbling instantly. The crowd boiled, and Ping Simin rushed forward fiercely, but was stopped to death.

Even Ping Qing, with a forbearing expression, frowned in disapproval, and the expression in her eyes was condemning and distressed. He had long known that Gu Yunbo was a wolf cub, and his heart was full of hatred. But he was so naive that he could dare to move her with family affection and practical actions, and he really became a family ever since.

He was too self-righteous, and his sister suffered.

Zhu Meihua was distressed and resentful, biting her lip, and said with tears of blood, "Gu Yunbo, it was a waste of me to treat you like your own daughter, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious."

"Okay, don't make trouble." Ping Guofei hurried back with a roar, and the world instantly became quiet.

"Give me home, don't be embarrassed outside, everyone else is gone, right? Is it good-looking for the New Year?"

The neighbors who were onlookers left dingy, Ping Simin was taken back to the room by Ping Qing.

After tossing around, it finally became quiet. What happened last night, even if Ping Simin didn't say it, everyone knew that no one was a fool, her appearance was too obvious.

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