May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 59: Take the blame

Ping Simin stupidly didn't even know the concealment, and the rumor had already spread. What's more, Ping Simin hated him very much. Gu Yunbo had already told the story of last night and put all the responsibility on Gu Yunbo by the way.

She was locked in the storage room by a strange man last night, and finally passed out. She was only awakened at dawn and wanted revenge but was driven out by Gu Yuehong.

Gu Yuehong slapped her back, accusing her of improperly hooking up with a man, and even hooking up with him to her home.

Ping Simin was treated as a disgusting cockroach by Gu Yuehong, and he threw out the dirty garbage. She was afraid of Gu Yuehong and resented Gu Yuehong this time, but she didn't dare to provoke her.

So she can only push everything on Gu Yunbo's head.

Ping Simin was still crying in the room, wishing Meihua soothed. In the living room, Ping Guofei and Pingqing were sitting in chairs, with stern eyes, looking at her solemnly.

Those eyes were scrutinized, strange, complicated and disappointed. Both father and son are smart people, even if it is not Gu Yunbo's Ping Simin's calculation, at least the calculations of others can't hide her from her eyes.

But at the scene, she watched as she was thought to be sensitive, and her disposition was more than thin and cold.

It was ruthless and unjust.

"Yunbo, I won't listen to one-sided words. What's the matter if you explain it honestly? Did you calculate the mind?" Ping Guofei regretted it in his heart when he said it. The wording was inappropriate, which is very unfair to Yunbo.

But the words have been said, it is impossible to take it back.

Gu Yunbo sat blankly, and when he looked at Ping Guofei, there was a trace of strangeness and sympathy in his eyes. Yes! It was not the first time Ping Guofei saw this look in her, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't understand the meaning.

It seemed that she knew a secret she didn't know.

As if laughing at his stupidity.

Ping Guofei slapped the table angrily, and roared sharply: "Say! Tell me clearly."

"Uncle Ping, don't worry, I'll make it clear what I know." Gu Yunbo calmly explained everything that happened last night with a calm expression, and finally added: "I'll go. Gao Jinglin knew that if you don’t believe it, you can ask him."

"You mean you wanted to call Simin to go with you last night?" Ping Qing asked, his voice a little loud, and Ping Simin heard a hysterical scream in the room.

"Liar, she lied. Last night she told me that it was inconvenient to live in Gu's house because it was dark. It was all her, and she was the one who killed her. I want her to die."

"Simine, calm down. You can rest assured that your father and brother will avenge you, and they will definitely help you." Zhu Meihua coaxed sadly.

Ping Simin grabbed Zhu Meihua by the collar of her clothes, and asked eagerly: "Will you kill Gu Yunbo? Will you kill her to avenge me?"

"Yes, I will, I will."

"Mom...uuuu...I'm so miserable! I don't want to live anymore, let me die, let me die."

There was another noise in the room, and Ping Simin made the sound of smashing things.

Father and son Ping Guofei came to sit in the living room to apply and turned his head awkwardly to ignore Gu Yunbo. What the daughter said to his wife just now was a bit too much.

"Yunbo, don't mind, Simin is too painful for her to do this."

Gu Yunbo sneered, "Of course I wouldn't mind." If she did, she would have killed Zhu Meihua's family a long time ago, and she would not wait until now. But she is not the Virgin either, Ping Simin is purely responsible.

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