May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Chicken fly dog ​​jump

The Ping family’s New Year is a joke, so I thought it was good to go to Ping Guofei’s hometown in the countryside, but I didn’t make it. Ping Simin clamored to hang himself several times to drink pesticides, but was stopped by Ping Qing.

During the period, Ping Guofei and Ping Qing went to the Gu family to negotiate, but the Gu family was also shunned. Moreover, Gu Yuehong even slapped her back, saying that Ping Simin had been unscrupulous, and because there were too many rich people on her brother's birthday, she deliberately hooked up, and their Gu family's face was lost.

The father and son are half to death, and now the three parties have different opinions, and the trouble is full of storms in the city. There were no secrets in the circle, and Gu Yuehong's words were quickly spread out, and everyone who made them knew.

In the past few days of the New Year, every household has gatherings, and this topic is discussed during New Year's greetings. Before the New Year, Meng Xingzhi took his family back to the Northwest Military Region to pay a New Year greeting to the old chief. He did not come back until the third day of the Lunar New Year. After returning, he heard about it. Called Ping Guofei to the study in person. As for what he said, no one knew, but Ping Guofei's face became more ugly when he came out.

In just one week, Ping Guofei looked nearly ten years older than before, and his hair on the temples was white.

After the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, when other families started to visit relatives, the Ping family went to the hospital twice while the family was still in the cold, and the atmosphere in the whole family was depressing.

Gu Yunbo looked at him coldly, and didn't go to the Ping's house at all. You could hear Ping Simin cursing at home from one building to another. How ugly or scolded, either cursing people to death, or shouting for revenge.

"Mom, let me die! Why am I still alive so embarrassing?" In less than ten days, Ping Simin's whole face was sallow, and she quickly lost weight. Zhu Meihua felt even more distressed.

In fact, she knew in her heart that her daughter was too stupid, she didn't inherit her cleverness at all. Obviously he was so smart and never suffered a loss in his entire life, so why did he give birth to such a stupid daughter.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at the opposite house through the window, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Humph! Her daughter is not doing well, let alone Gu Weiwei's daughter.

"Mom, I don't want this, I don't want this, I'm afraid... I'm really afraid."

Zhu Meihua was stunned for a moment, and brought the cooked candy-hearted eggs to coax Ping Simin to eat. "Eat some! I feel sorry for you too."

"Papa!" The bowl in Zhu Meihua's hand was smashed to the ground by Ping Simin, making a harsh sound. She has no idea how many bowls have been smashed these days.

"Sim, you have to cheer up, what do you want me to do like this? Do you want the whole family to die with you?" Zhu Meihua couldn't control her temper anymore, so she screamed, her voice loud and sharp.

The scared Ping Simin forgot to cry, staring at her blankly with swollen eyes. Because of the long-term crying and lack of sleep, Ping Simin's eyes were bloodshot, completely different from the usual youthful and charming appearance.

Zhu Meihua's heart hurts like a needle stick, the more distressed the anger and depression in her chest become, and she has reached a place that cannot be suppressed. "Do you think you are stupid? Are you embarrassed? Don't make trouble and let you calm down? The result? The more you make trouble, the more embarrassing you will be. Who knows if you don't make a fuss? Who knows?"

Ping Simin was speechless.

"No one will know, at least your reputation will not be bad. We can also help you slowly figure out how to get revenge?" Zhu Meihua's hatred in her heart! Seeing Ping Simin's eyes were not as gentle and kind as before, she became angry and heartbroken.

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