"It was in vain, I wish Meihua self-proclaimed smart, I didn't expect you to have such a stupid daughter."

"Mom!" Ping Simin was scolded and couldn't help but rushed off the bed and hit the wall. Ping Qing, who had been listening to the movement in the living room, was already ready before she jumped out of bed. Just stopped at that moment.

"Stop it." Ping Qing roared irritably: "Now keep on arguing, what's the use of continuing to make trouble?"

"Brother, don't you even help me?" Ping Simin fell into Ping Qing's arms, asking heartbrokenly.

Ping Qing shook his head, "How can I not help you if you are my sister? Don't worry, I will help you." These days, he has been investigating the man who ordered the man that night, but it is a pity that people in the Gu family can't move, he needs time.

"Simine, if you want us to help you, stop making trouble. It won't be good for anyone to continue making trouble, and you will miss the best opportunity for revenge."

"Then are you looking for Gu Yunbo to get revenge?"

Ping Qing frowned slightly, "You know in your heart who you should seek revenge."

"You still help her..." Ping Simin saw that he was about to get angry again, but was glared at by Ping Qing, and then shut his mouth in shock.

Yes! She has been in trouble for a week, and she wants to find death several times, but does she really want to die? Of course not, she couldn't bear to die. And he just died like this, wouldn't those **** get what they wanted?

Isn't it secretly laughing?

She won't die, she wants revenge, she has to be unhappy.

"If you are willing to listen to me, calm down and let's think of a way together. If you continue to make trouble, I won't be able to return to the army." This house is so troubled that no one can stay.

Yunbo hasn't been here for a few days, and his parents have opinions in their hearts, but he understands them very well. Regardless of who it is, there are people looking for life and death at home every day, and they don't want to add to it.

Especially for the New Year, even the neighbors next door did not have a comfortable New Year.

The political commissar also came over two days ago, and Ping Guofei was severely criticized. If this matter is not resolved, Ping Guofei's future will be completely ruined.

"Can you listen in?" Ping Qing asked patiently again.

"Yes! Brother, I would like to listen to you." Ping Simin was also tired, knowing that it would be useless to continue, so she had no choice but to endure it first.

"That's good, take a shower and eat now."

"it is good!"

Soothing Ping Simin, Ping Qing put a piece of clothing on him and went out to find Gu Yunbo, but when he arrived at the second building, he was empty. Looking at the locked door, he stood at the door and lost his mind for a moment.

It is false to say that it is not cold.

Apart from being sensible and ignorant, they and their parents sincerely treat her as family members. But she...

Ping Qing thought of the rumors of the neighbors, and wanted to help her explain a few words, but couldn't find the reason. She was out to play when each of them was devastated?

With Gao Jinglin?

Now, let alone the family home, the new compound and the old compound next door know that Gao Jinglin is playing well with Gu Yunbo. Ping Qing frowned like a hill, and the desire for power in his heart had never been stronger.

He didn't care about his sister's bad reputation and shame. What makes the anger unbearable is that I can't give her a breath, and I can't find the culprit, this is embarrassing to make myself angry.

Just because Gu Jiaquan is so powerful and has a background and backing, he can't afford to offend him!

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