May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Meng Fan shot

Ping Qing kicked up fiercely, and the man roared like a beast. His fists and feet hit the man like a storm, but Meng Fan finally stopped him.

"Okay!" Meng Fan pulled Ping Qing, the man on the ground had passed out, he bent over and stretched out his hand to sniff.

It's like a gossamer, and this little life will be confessed two more times.

"Thank you." Ping Qing bowed his head and thanked him sincerely.

"Seeing outside." He nodded at him, and greeted Liu Yong, a guard from Meng Xingzhi not far away, to come over, "This person will leave it to you, let him go in and sit through the cell." He wanted to say it would be easy. , I was afraid that Ping Qing would think more, so he changed his mouth. If I change to a living Hades, I won't think too much.

Liu Yong showed a crying expression, "Meng Fan, is he still in jail?"

"Oh!" Meng Fan murmured softly, "Then you send people to Gu's house and hand them to Gu Yuehong."

Ping Qing's original gloomy expression couldn't help but pull out a smile that was uglier than crying, and Liu Yong's desire to die was gone. The two exchanged glances, and Ping Qing patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"Thank you."

Meng Fan was too bad, and he handed him over to Gu Yuehong... You can imagine the scene and the reaction of the Gu family.

The depression that had been in Ping Qing's heart for so many days finally dissipated. He teased: "I heard that Gu Yuehong likes you? The Gu family intends to marry the Meng family?"

Meng Fan looked at him with unpredictable eyes, and then said, "So what?"

"……not very good."

"The Living Hades is here, at Chen Yingjie's house! It just so happens that you also came with me."

"it is good!"


The New Year's atmosphere in the old compound that is a long way away is much more lively than the new compound. Many people grew up here when they were young and like to come and play during the New Year holidays. Every day, either at this party or where to go for a meal, the noisy old chief who retired got angry and cursed.

Taking Gao Jinglin's attention, Gu Yunbo was also called to play. At the beginning of 1977, it was cold and there was nothing to play with. The main thing is to play mahjong, drink and gossiping.

They all grew up in the compound. They knew each other since they were young, and they were divided into several circles when they played together. People like Meng Fan's Shen Yu are the top class, but they don't have time to gather and play together. Those who can play crazy are similar to Gao Jinglin, either he just joined the soldier, or he hasn’t joined the soldier yet.

Today, Gao Jinglin took advantage of his father to give his comrades a hundred years ago, and invited children to eat at home. At noon, he stole the good wine collected by the father.

Gu Yunbo can be regarded as an eye-opener, he really deserves to be from a military family! Just this amount of alcohol is not comparable to the average person, three or four bottles of white wine, all his faces are not red.

"Sister Bo, can you have a glass?" Gao Jinglin came over with a porcelain jar in his hand, which was full of wine. "This is the last point, and I specially saved it for you. Our old man is so bad at home. There is less Tibetan wine than others, which is shameful."

He complained, and Gu Yunbo who heard it wanted to beat him up for his father.

"I don't drink." Not only does she drink poorly, but the wine is also particularly bad.

"Sister Bo, you are a female middle-class heroine who doesn't want to have eyebrows. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you smash all of us as soon as you come up?" When Gao Jinglin spoke, she was drunk and she gave a position backward .

Gu Yunbo has a black line.

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