May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 64: New year party

Others listened and said mockingly: "Gao Jinglin, are you a man? Why are you so bold?"

"That's right, are you so scared of a little girl film?"

Others slapped the table and yelled, "Do you understand that this is called a wife that hurts? Do you understand? No wonder you should be bachelor one by one.

"I'm still young."

"I think your big brother is still young? Hahaha..."

Everyone laughed, making a lot of noise with each other. They were used to it when they were young, and no one was really angry. Everyone rushed up and pressed the man who had just spoken under the table and beat them together.

"Help! Help!" The person who was beaten finally crawled out from the other side under the table, with a blue nose and a swollen face but still smiling wretchedly. He climbed to Gao Jinglin's side and grabbed the enamel jar in his hand and took the wine in one breath. Finished.

The angry Gao Jinglin yelled, "Tian Bantong, are you looking for death? Why are you stealing my wine?"

The most boisterous and ruthless man is Tian Banshan, whose name can be interpreted in many ways. Some explanations sound unusually rustic and a bit domineering. But this is not the most accurate explanation, the real explanation is half a barrel.

It means he can drink half a barrel.

"I just talked to you, but you didn't know that you had a bruised nose and swollen face. You deserve it." Tian Banshan touched his mouth with his sleeve and sat down in front of Gu Yunbo.

"Girl." He said with a squinting smile.

Gu Yunbo smiled back, not because the other party was nasty. In her eyes, these people were actually deliberately bluffing to scare people. When she first met Gao Jinglin at school, Hita Bantong was even arrogant and lawless!

As a result, she was beaten by her, not like a good Chinese garden dog.

Tian Bantong patted Gu Yunbo's thin shoulder with a big hand, and said excitedly: "Okay! Great! No wonder this kid Gao Jinglin called you Sister Bo." It's hard not to be scared off by his wretched appearance.

Gu Yunbo raised his wrist and Tian Bantong secretly applied force. The strength of the two of them stalemate in mid-air for less than 30 seconds, and then Tian Bantong screamed like a pig.

"It hurts..."

Only Tian Banshan's voice was quiet in the noisy living room. Everyone stopped their movements and looked at Gu Yunbo with weird eyes, the arms that had fallen powerlessly in her hands.

"I'm sorry!" Gu Yunbo said with a smile: "It seems to be dislocated, I'll press it for you." Before the voice fell, Tian Banshan was screaming again.

"Okay, don't be screaming scary, just you will be imaginary, does it hurt so much?" Gao Jinglin looked disgusted. Thinking of where he was beaten worse, he didn't even hum.

"It really hurts!" Tian Banshan's nose and face were swollen, making a grieving expression, and he almost made everyone spit out the rice they had just eaten.

"Half a bucket, can you stop disgusting people?"

"Do you think you young commander?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

It was another group of ridicules that went down the well, Tian Banshan gestured a **** to everyone, and then said to Gu Yunbo, "Sister Bo, I'll go to the infirmary, wait a minute, let's play mahjong together."

"Go! Don't get in the way here."

Without Tian Banshan, the atmosphere is not as enthusiastic as before. Everyone was already full. Someone who hadn't drunk helped aunt to clean up the table, and Gu Yunbo also cleaned up together.

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