May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 70: How can it be down

The two are fighting! The downstairs was about to open a table of mahjong and would not find it for a while. Zhang Yang came up to look for Gao Jinglin and opened the door and saw both of them on the bed. And it was a female upper-male lower posture, and when he reached his lips, he stopped abruptly.

Zhang Yang stared fiercely with a pair of big eyes, his expression was like seeing a ghost.

The two lively fighting people stopped by coincidence.

Finally there was no need to be beaten, Gao Jinglin smiled easily in his heart. As a result, Zhang Yang's expression became more and more like seeing a ghost, and it was more complicated and eager, and the meaning was written on his face.

Unexpectedly, you are such a Gao Jinglin, and you are usually a seven-foot man, so... why do you still like to be there? Let a woman ride on you?

Gao Jinglin, the second person, didn't know that Zhang Yang was running 10,000 horses and mud horses in his heart. Gu Yunbo probably guessed it, but she didn't care about them at all. Moreover, it didn't take long for her to come back from rebirth. She had settled in the United States for a long time in her previous life, and she was used to the living habits there.

So she didn't think too much, she jumped off the bed calmly, her palm-sized face calmly made Zhang Yang suspect that she was wrong.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Oh oh oh... I'm looking for Mahjong.",

"Here." Gu Yunbo bent down and took out the mahjong box from under Gao Jinglin's desk and handed it to Zhang Yang. The other party did not answer it for a long time, and his eyes became more complicated.

"Next." She urged impatiently. ,

"Oh oh oh..." Zhang Yang's heart was galloping past, and he went downstairs in a trance, and lost his soul. The person waiting for mahjong patted him on the shoulder and asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? It's like eggplants that have been beaten by cream."

Zhang Yang opened his eyes and opened his mouth, and said nothing for a long time!

Meng Fanchao Xu Qigang, who had already defeated the three defeated, cast a look at Xu Qigang, the latter beckoned to the public, and the two went to the front yard together.

In the room, Gao Jinglin hurriedly begged for mercy, very willing to find opportunities, "Sister Bo, I was wrong, I shouldn't doubt you."


"No, it's my younger brother. I have no right to doubt you! Boss, what do you want to do, younger brother, I fully support and unconditionally support. If you really like Fan, I will help you kidnap, administer medicine, or hit black sticks."

"Put medicine?" Gu Yunbo touched his chin, feeling that it seemed feasible.

"Huh?" Gao Jinglin saw her thinking seriously, and immediately admired Sister Bo. Even the young commander dared to prescribe medicine, this is a courage from the sky! When the time comes, I will not be afraid of being torn to pieces by the Meng family and the Yin family together.

If you don't know it is fearless, he still shouldn't pierce Sister Bo's self-illusion.

"Sister Bo, take a look." Gao Jinglin put away his hippie smile, bends over seriously and dragged a large bag of things out from under the bed. "I collected it for a long time."

He opened the zipper of the big bag as if offering a treasure, and said proudly: "All the things you want are here, and there is a pistol, but unfortunately there are only ten bullets."

"Your gun?"

Gao Jinglin touched his nose and said embarrassedly: "Just leave it alone, I have my way."

Gu Yunbo looked at him suspiciously, "Don't cause trouble."

"Relax! I can't cause trouble."

She nodded, but that was true. Even if the son of the dignified military and political commissar had leaked the sky, there would be a master. The two conspired in the room for a long time to discuss the specific route and training policy. In fact, most of them were made by Gu Yunbo.

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