Gao Jinglin is only responsible for listening. Many of her views, training methods and small skills have opened his eyes and strengthened his determination to follow Sister Bo.

Let the old man look down on him, despise him everywhere, hum! Waiting for this training to return will open his eyes.

The two of them, Gu Yunbo, finally determined the departure time and came downstairs with their things. Meng Fan and Xu Qigang are no longer there. The living room is mostly empty, and only four people on the other small table are playing mahjong. All the people at the table where they played mahjong before have left, and there is still a lot of money on the table, which seems to be several hundred.

"Whose money is this?" Gao Jinglin yelled.

"The young commander helped don't listen to the replacement when they won."

"Gu Yunbo's right! She was lucky. The young commander won three houses by one person, and won all the money."

Gu Yunbo was overjoyed and collected the money happily.

"Where are they?"

"And leave beforehand."

"It's getting late, and I'm going back too." Gu Yunbo returned with a full load, ready to leave. Gao Jinglin offered to send her off, but she refused. Because she was carrying a lot of things, she ridden Gao Jinglin's self-driving car.

At the end of the 1970s, bicycles were a symbol of wealth. They were not given to people who were particularly well-connected or close family members.

Gu Yunbo rode freely and casually, beckoning, and walked away in the surprise and inexplicable eyes of others. It's not that she doesn't know the value of bicycles, or that she has been taking advantage of Gao Jinglin. It is because she believes that she has the ability to pay. Gao Jinglin is her first friend after rebirth. She values ​​it very much, and the two of them can talk very well. The road ahead is to walk a longer road together.

So don't worry about gains and losses.

And she will do her best to teach him what she knows.


Gu Jia

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, when the taste of the New Year is still very strong, Gu's family is already a bit deserted. Because they hold important positions, the adults are basically busy after the third day of the new year, and will stay away from home sooner or later.

Fortunately, the Gu family who had been spending winter in the south came back, and the whole Gu family became noisy. The old man Gu Yuanlou is still full of energy and ruddy after 72 years of this year. Because of the good maintenance, even the back is very straight.

In previous years, he was in the south in winter because he didn't like the dry weather in the north. It's a bit caught off guard to come back suddenly now.

At noon, when the family was sitting at the huge round table for dinner, Gu Yuanlou remained silent. Even Gu Yuehong, who was the most entertaining person, bowed his head and wanted to count the rice in the bowl.

After finally waiting for the meal, Gu Yuehong greasy the soles of her feet and tried to slip away, but the table was clattered. Everyone was stunned. The aunt who was cleaning the table almost smashed the plate with a shake.

"Stop for me." Gu Yuanlou's voice was furious, with a majestic aura that scared Gu Yue Hong's legs and knelt directly on the ground. The person she feared most since she was a child was her grandfather.

Later, the elder grandfather gradually got older and rarely lived in the north. In addition, she was naturally clever to pretend, so she started to do things more freely. But in her bones, her fear of Gu Yuanshan cannot be forgotten, and her grandfather's sudden return today has made her feel guilty.

Fu Shuzhen felt so angry and distressed when her daughter was so scared, her face changed. But the majesty of the old man was there, and she didn't dare to refute, so she could only sit in the position with a gloomy face.

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