May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 78: Chips in hand

"Yuehong, let's go home!" Fu Shuzhen shouted, who went downstairs and passed the small playground.

"My mother told me to go, and see you next time!" Gu Yuehong patted Ping Simin's hand and left with a smile.

After waiting for no one to see anyone, Ping Simin finally raised his head, his eyes were blood red, and the hand held by Gu Yuehong just now rubbed **** the basketball rack, almost bleeding.


"Mom." Ping Simin threw himself into Zhu Meihua's arms when he returned home, did not cry, but was hit harder.

Zhu Meihua gritted her teeth and said, "Don't be sad, mom will avenge you."


"Of course it is true, do you want revenge?"

"Of course I think, Gu Yunbo, Gu Yuehong, I don't want to let go of either." Ping Simin said bitterly.

"Okay! Then let's take revenge." Gu family, you asked for this.

"Mom, I can't like the young commander anymore. I can't marry again." This was the last straw that crushed the camel, and it was also the key point for Gu Yuehong to hit her.

Zhu Meihua patted her back gently, and said softly: "It's okay, you can definitely marry, if you can't marry Meng Fan, you can still marry someone else." In fact, she knew from the beginning to the end that her daughter could not marry Meng Fan. , Simin has never given up. It's a good thing to let her give up now.

"I have such a bad reputation, who else would want to marry me?"

"How is Gu Sinian?"

The simple six words shocked Ping Simin, looking at Zhu Meihua incredibly, thinking that he had heard it wrong. "Mom, are you talking about it once? Who are you talking about?"

She plays with Gu Yuehong every day, and of course she knows Gu Sinian. The handsome and arrogant Gu Sinian, she once imagined that if she hadn't met Meng Fan, she would definitely like Gu Sinian.

The identity of the heir to the Gu family is there. Anyone with long eyes can't refuse him, right?

"Marry Gu Sinian, so you will become Gu Yuehong's sister-in-law, and she will no longer be able to bully you. With this status, you can avenge whatever you want." Zhu Meihua has been thinking about this question for a long time, not suddenly. from.

From the beginning of her daughter's innocence, she has been planning for her daughter's future. How to marry in the future, Gu Sinian is also within her consideration, and he is the only candidate for her own consideration.

The bargaining chips in her hand can only be calculated on Gu Sinian's head. Originally, she had been hesitating, not sure if she wanted to do this, and she was a little bit reluctant to put the biggest chip out. But today Fu Shuzhen deceived too much, and Gu Yuehong was not a good thing either.

I really thought that she wished Meihua a soft persimmon, but a fool.

If she were a fool, she would have walked step by step from the countryside to today.


Today, when the Gu family mother and daughter came to the compound, it spread out quickly. They said it was an exaggeration. The special car came to carry big and small bags. Not long after they left, someone came to inquire, wishing Meihua a face and a strong smile.

The neighbors marveled at Gu's generosity and gave so many good things, the smile on Zhu Meihua's face could hardly last.

Ping Simin hid in the room and couldn't come out.

Gu Yunbo stayed at home and took notes. He saw through the window, but he didn't even plan to go out.

No matter how others call her ruthless and unrighteous, she will not take the initiative to lean up anyway. Isn't she idle and nervous? It would be nice if she didn't seek revenge from the Ping family, and didn't kill Zhu Meihua to her mother's grave.

Suddenly, there was the sound of fast-moving footsteps outside, and Gu Yunbo put down the book in his hand and his whole body's best guard action was at this moment Gao Jinglin's breathless voice sounded.

"Sister Bo, open the door, open it quickly."

"What's the matter?" Gu Yunbo almost laughed when he opened the door and took a look.

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