May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Depart early

Gao Jinglin's nose and face were blue and swollen, and she was extremely embarrassed! Her adult yesterday greeted her where she couldn't see her body. Although it was painful at the time, there would be no traces, and there would be no real injuries.

But in front of's so miserable!

Gao Jinglin pushed her away, walked into the living room and sat on the ground. "Unlucky, this is over."

"I can see it." She nodded, "Who are you hit by? Or I will avenge you?" She dared to beat her little brother without weighing herself.

Gao Jinglin was rubbing his face and gave her an unexpected look after hearing her words.

"Don't worry, I must not know the father of the person I beat." Gu Yunbo patted his shoulder carelessly, full of loyalty.

Gao Jinglin was moved, "Sister Bo, then I beg you, the one who beat me is my old man. You don’t need to beat me to get revenge. He doesn’t even know his father, just to make him aware of his mistake and know that he should not Just hit someone." After speaking, he thought he was very considerate and smiled.

When I laughed, I couldn't control the angle, and grinned in pain.

"..." This bear boy, "How could you be beaten like this by your old man?" She had heard that Gao Jinglin was an old man, and the senior political commissar was only born at the age of forty. He is very precious!

Gao Jinglin fought with people since he was young, and the old man rolled up his sleeves and went up together. He was not ashamed but proud of being laughed at.

"Sister Bo, I can't go back to this house anyway, let's go quickly! If you don't leave, my old man will definitely break my leg if he finds here. I managed to escape from the house."

"What did you do?"

" wasn't the meal yesterday...I drank the old man's wine secretly!" The old man secretly managed to collect the good wine, and he was not willing to drink it. Yesterday a group of stinky boys drank his wine at home. Without a drop left, I went crazy when I came back.

After beating his son to control the confinement, Gao Jinglin sneaked out of the confinement room.

Gu Yunbo thought for a while, and it's fine to leave now, it doesn't matter two days in advance. Having said that, she was also uncomfortable here, and she was angry when she saw Ping Simin and Gu Yuehong.

"It's okay, but you just left. What if your old man can't find you? You can't run away from home!"

Gao Jinglin widened his eyes as soon as he heard it, "Sister Bo, who am I? Who are you? Shouldn't we just run away from home? Say hello to the old man, is that still called running away?"

"..." What he always wanted to experience was the excitement of running away from home. Gao Jinglin hadn't grown up, she could be willful but she couldn't. Lest he take the people away, so that the senior political commissar can't find it anxious.

"You write a letter and keep it!"

Gao Jinglin still remembered that the old man beat him up and refused to write about it.

"We only came back for half a year. Are you sure your old man will not be in a hurry?"

"okay then!"

Both of them moved quickly and happily. Gu Yunbo had a set of the most advanced methods for carrying and packing individual combat equipment, including how to install weapons, how to tie ropes, and so on. It took less than an hour for the two of them to carry their marching bags out of the family home. The equipment and the money that Meng Fan won would be enough for the two of them for the next year.

And according to her plan, there is no need to spend money except for the most basic means of transportation. Eating and drinking are all in the wild, and solve it by yourself. The war with that southern Xinjiang was almost always in the primeval forest, where the miasma was dense and the environment was complicated, she had to adapt in advance and be prepared.

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