May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 80: Start from the details

This is the first time Gao Jinglin has traveled far. After getting on the train excitedly along the way, Gu Yunbo closed his eyes and rested, but he was still looking around.

I honestly like to harass her and talk to her.

Gu Yunbo opened his eyes suddenly, and the clear light under his eyes frightened Gao Jinglin, "Didn't you sleep?"

"Knowing that I'm sleeping, you still bother me?"

Gao Jinglin touched his head and smiled embarrassedly, "Sister Bo, I'm sorry! I'm so excited, you continue to say, I promise not to disturb you."

"Do you really think we're here to sleep?" Gu Yunbo sat straight with his chest and back, stretched out his slender fingers and lit on the table. Gao Jinglin immediately took out paper and pen and placed it in front of her.

"We have been on the train for three hours. Have you investigated the environment of the train? How often do the police officers inspect? How many times does the flight attendant pass in front of us? Who are they? Where is the next stop? How long does each stop last? long……"

Gu Yunbo asked Gao Jinglin a dozen questions in a row.

"We are here to train, not to travel." Gu Yunbo couldn't help but increase his tone. When he spoke, the paper and pen were full. The above is a detailed description of the surrounding environment, as well as all the details and the response strategy and escape plan when encountering an emergency.

Obviously, she was fully in the state from the moment she left home. After getting on the train, she seemed to be sleeping, but in fact, she had been observing the details of the clock, and she had never slackened.

If you want to become an ace special force, you must never relax. The slightest slack will make the mission fail and cause the death of your comrades.

Gao Jinglin saw both admiration and ashamed, "Sister Bo, I'm sorry."

"You didn't feel sorry for being told me." Gu Yunbo shook his head, "You are sorry for yourself."

"Yes!" At this moment, he really felt serious and serious, and the previous Beijing ruffian tone couldn't help but put it away.

"Remember that there is no waste around me, and you have only this chance with the young master who is not cynical."

Gao Jinglin stood up abruptly, and saluted as if talking to an old man at home. "Yes, Chief."

When the surrounding passengers saw it, they couldn't help but cast admiring and curious eyes with kindness. The soldiers at this time are really the loveliest people in the minds of ordinary people. The soldiers and the people are family members who protect their homes and the country.

"It's a soldier, such a young soldier."

"At this young age, he is already so sensible, much better than my baby."

"Not easy!"

"Is this female doll actually the head? Higher than the male doll?"

The passengers talked a lot, but no one came forward to intervene actively, or with searching eyes. The main reason is that ordinary people have a high level of ideological awareness, and they will have a big brain when seeing soldiers outside, especially those in plain clothes.

Eighty percent are performing special tasks or catching spies.

An old man dressed in plain clothes saw that the two young men didn't even have food in front of them, and took the initiative to take out his own little fruit to share with them.

"No, thank you, old man. We soldiers must never take the people's stitches and stitches." Gu Yunbo was even scared when he was thick-skinned.

Gao Jinglin casts you an awesome look.

After the big guy didn't pay attention to them, Gu Yunbo suppressed his voice and said, "Remember our future goal, the ace special forces. This is even more advanced than the scouts of the field regiment. You have to learn a lot."

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